/plexified_subs/youtube/SASUKE Ninja Warrior Channel [UCj_Ftg9jc-oQmt9y7OTE_aw]/Season 2024/

0 directories 226 files
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20240102 - 【新年のご挨拶】キタガワ電気店長 日置将士が2024年を漢字一文字で表すと? [youtube-fztN8NFgbqQ].ass
2.3 KiB
20240102 - 【新年のご挨拶】サスケ先生こと鈴木祐輔が2024年を漢字一文字で表すと? [youtube-VFe0Wvn-Bvg].ass
4.8 KiB
20240102 - 【新年のご挨拶】配管工 又地諒が2024年を漢字一文字で表すと? [youtube-VBVANKL-3cU].ass
2.7 KiB
20240103 - 【新年のご挨拶】2度の完全制覇者 漆原裕治が2024年を漢字一文字で表すと? [youtube-9fi2QZtSQZE].ass
2.2 KiB
20240103 - 【新年のご挨拶】全力パフォーマンスでおなじみ!鳥澤克秀が2024年を漢字一文字で表すと? [youtube-28M7oUJFBuA].ass
1.8 KiB
20240104 - 【新年のご挨拶】ALTIOR社長 川口朋広が2024年を漢字一文字で表すと? [youtube-CjjQ5T2OQ60].ass
1.9 KiB
20240104 - 【新年のご挨拶】唯一の皆勤賞 山本進悟が2024年を漢字一文字で表すと? [youtube-flZDLuUEFqY].ass
2.7 KiB
20240105 - 【新年のご挨拶】パルクール協会 会長 佐藤惇が2024年を漢字一文字で表すと? [youtube-66FfbKkP3tY].ass
3.0 KiB
20240105 - 【新年のご挨拶】山形県庁 職員 多田竜也が2024年を漢字一文字で表すと? [youtube-l3nNIycBvjs].ass
2.6 KiB
20240106 - 【新年のご挨拶】カーデザイナー荒木直之が2024年を漢字一文字で表すと? [youtube-2Kul1ZRJMEQ].ass
2.2 KiB
20240106 - 【新年のご挨拶】キッズパーソナルトレーナー大嶋あやのが2024年を漢字一文字で表すと? [youtube-NYX2Lp8hRFE].ass
2.4 KiB
20240107 - 【新年のご挨拶】史上2人目の完全制覇者 長野誠が2024年を漢字一文字で表すと? [youtube-8fc_vfnYQRw].ass
2.1 KiB
20240107 - 【新年のご挨拶】最後は!ミスターSASUKE 山田勝己が2024年を漢字一文字で表すと? [youtube-Xj8CCdWtYAU].ass
4.5 KiB
20240108 - 【最速男】#SASUKE2023 梶原颯 1st最速クリアをマイクロドローンで追ってみた #ninjawarrior [youtube-iuqGB0EeOzM].ass
3.1 KiB
20240109 - 【令和版忍者】魅せるSASUKEの体現者 パルクール佐藤惇 別班の動き【第41回大会1stステージ完全版】 [youtube-B-kh56FSflg].ass
21 KiB
20240110 - 【危機一髪】日置将士のサイドワインダーが神すぎた #sasuke #ninjawarrior [youtube-LlIIYeWodj4].ass
2.4 KiB
20240110 - 【危機一髪】第41回大会から厳選!超絶スーパープレイ集 [youtube-7c0-AI14GD0].ass
23 KiB
20240111 - 【危機一髪】SASUKE2023 フィッシュボーン2連発 [youtube-qTe3-v79RAc].ass
2.1 KiB
20240111 - 【推し活】東京駅で坂本さんアパレル先行販売中 #sasuke [youtube-WN0MOiFgh64].ass
11 KiB
20240112 - 【スーパー中学生】山田勝己の秘蔵っ子 中島結太15歳が2回目の挑戦で初クリア【第41回大会1stステージ完全版】 [youtube-5yKE9MPtBNw].ass
24 KiB
20240113 - 【父の涙】長野塊王14歳 史上最年少1stステージクリアの舞台裏 [youtube-zKhFk1_8VtI].ass
25 KiB
20240114 - 緑山を彩る!スタートパフォーマンス2023【Vol.1】 [youtube-Y8J66yvOEnU].ass
2.2 KiB
20240115 - 【#パルクール 協会 会長】#佐藤惇 マイクロドローンで追いかけてみた #sasuke #ninjawarrior [youtube-rjWbG6ft4AA].ass
3.1 KiB
20240115 - 【新攻略】魅せるSASUKE体現者 佐藤惇スパイダードロップ挑戦の全記録 【第41回大会2ndステージ完全版】 [youtube-Bdm3LSaWClU].ass
22 KiB
20240116 - 【舞台裏】欠場でも裏で又地を支え続けたケイン・コスギ2人3脚で挑んだSASUKE第2章 [youtube-ENf_vP362KM].ass
23 KiB
20240117 - 【間一髪】第41回大会 ギリギリクリアランキング [youtube-bWAtUm7F1IE].ass
22 KiB
20240118 - 【ド根性】ミスター安定感 日置将士がまさかの危機!?42歳が魅せる執念のクリア【第41回大会 1stステージ完全版】 [youtube-2jgHhoPo1Ag].ass
25 KiB
20240118 - 【ミスター安定感】日置将士 SASUKE2023 1stステージ危機一髪 [youtube-FGY3zhYj7D8].ass
1.8 KiB
20240119 - 【信頼と実績】サスケくんが10回目の100番を背負って挑んだSASUKE第41回大会1stステージ完全版 [youtube-LqVivxtSMYA].ass
34 KiB
20240120 - 【絶叫&感動】実況もアツい!緑山に響く魂の叫び!アナウンサー奮闘記2023 [youtube-4jVVj35nI5g].ass
36 KiB
20240121 - 【密着】SASUKE 愛溢れる全力リポート! アナウンサー奮闘記2023 [youtube-4vLm-_WhSCA].ass
19 KiB
20240122 - 【中学3年生】山田勝己の秘蔵っ子 中島結太がSASUKEで魅せた! #shorts [youtube-1kFUxJ0hSKE].ass
3.0 KiB
20240122 - 【何者!?】インフルエンサー 髭達磨 荒川太一SASUKE挑戦 [youtube-sieUD8NA2u8].ass
13 KiB
20240123 - 【栄光の100番】サスケくんこと森本裕介をドローンで追いかけてみた #shorts [youtube-0pfZPBYu-Bo].ass
2.6 KiB
20240123 - 【盤石】速すぎるサスケくんの動きに会場騒然! 森本裕介 SASUKE第41回大会2ndステージ完全版 [youtube-QySVm8Md49s].ass
21 KiB
20240124 - 【満身創痍】SASUKE愛が突き動かす"樽美酒研二 全身全霊の戦い"<2023年1st完全版> [youtube-Y0zyY4jKO-I].ass
34 KiB
20240125 - 【ドイツ完全制覇者】レネ・キャスリー4年ぶりの凱旋 緑山に再び衝撃が走る [youtube-rjHpINGP7mg].ass
17 KiB
20240125 - 【魂の男】樽美酒研二をドローンで追いかけてみた #shorts [youtube-41dJlLuCoWU].ass
2.9 KiB
20240125 - 【魂の男】樽美酒研二をドローンで追いかけてみた #shorts [youtube-aCNSH4EH9iA].ass
2.9 KiB
20240126 - 【レネインパクト再び】ドイツの完全制覇者レネ・キャスリー2nd &3rd完全版 [youtube-v4IqXMaENDc].ass
20 KiB
20240126 - 【象つかいハンパない】4年ぶりに帰ってきた #レネキャスリー 圧巻の1stステージ #sasuke2024 #ninjawarrior #germany [youtube-HNcFxcIr9pE].ass
2.8 KiB
20240127 - 【100番の使命】仲間が散った最恐新エリアvsサスケくん!森本裕介 SASUKE第41回大会3rdステージ完全版 [youtube--11egoGrmlY].ass
36 KiB
20240127 - 【盤石すぎる】サスケくんの2ndステージをドローンで追いかけてみた #shorts #森本裕介 #sasuke2023 [youtube-C0UV2RALFi0].ass
2.0 KiB
20240128 - 【史上最年少!】かつてパパを応援していた少年が 憧れの背中を追いかけ 歴史を動かした瞬間 #中学2年生 #長野塊王 #長野誠 #親子 #sa [youtube-1ILQ4ZG3zJw].ass
2.4 KiB
20240128 - 【鑑賞会】大盛り上がり!SASUKE2023をレジェンド達と振り返る!本番中の心境など裏話が続々! [youtube-jt_pFJhnPsY].ass
31 KiB
20240129 - 【鑑賞会Vo.2】佐藤惇の圧巻パフォーマンスにレジェンド達の反応は!?ここでしか語られない裏話も続々! [youtube-cMDmvplsjwQ].ass
25 KiB
20240129 - 緑山を彩る!スタートパフォーマンス2023【Vol.2】 [youtube-h7nKYQqUXM0].ass
2.2 KiB
20240130 - 【SASUKEオタクのアイドル現る】6歳で長野誠にハマった #BUDDiiS 大槻拓也の愛がスゴすぎた #shorts [youtube-M9x4ZXmK6SI].ass
2.7 KiB
20240130 - 【歌って踊れるSASUKEオタク】6歳から夢見たスタート台に立ったBUDDiiS 大槻拓也のSASUKE初挑戦に密着したらメンバーもSASUKE沼に!? [youtube-0Czx04Jjxbw].ass
28 KiB
20240131 - 【初告白】日置将士 出場の裏側には盟友とのあるエピソードが…「僕一人ではスタート台には立てなかった」 [youtube-0DZg_eteoh0].ass
47 KiB
20240201 - Kingdom Ninja Daniel Gil takes on his dream destination, Midoriyama, for the first time. 【1st完全版】 [youtube-2Denqf1fhnA].ass
17 KiB
20240201 - 【緑山のスーパーマリオ!】再起をかけた元ファイナリスト #又地諒 の1stステージ #sasuke [youtube-YQSfbm3qnFY].ass
2.9 KiB
20240202 - The strongest area in the world, convinced by American complete conqueror Daniel Gil #sasuke [youtube-pQ0P18oYCec].ass
24 KiB
20240202 - 【愛のチカラ】アメリカNinja warrior史上4人目の完全制覇者!!アメリカのトッププレイヤーが日本の#SASUKE にやってきた! #ninjawarrior [youtube-NTUGaHwtnA4].ass
2.1 KiB
20240203 - 【マジ!?】2人目の完全制覇者・長野誠が開始3秒で池へ・・・スプレーつけ過ぎ事件を振り返る [youtube-K1kY87Hd0MM].ass
28 KiB
20240203 - 【間に合うか?!】元ファイナリストの意地! #長崎峻侑 が真の復活へ #sasuke [youtube-M3UMCnEkI5A].ass
2.9 KiB
20240204 - 【まさに危機一髪】こんな神回避あるの?!ヒヤッと3連発後の #漆原裕治 の運命は? #sasuke [youtube-4wzKSCTMUqo].ass
2.7 KiB
20240204 - 【鑑賞会Vo.4】絶対絶命!サイドワインダーでの復活劇!その瞬間 日置が思ったこととは? [youtube-7UkZ5D0MUOU].ass
26 KiB
20240205 - 【レア映像】佐藤惇の2ndステージをドローンで追跡してみた #パルクール #sasuke #ドローン [youtube-haRdCNRPH2o].ass
2.4 KiB
20240205 - 【過去最強】クリフ用の身体で8度目のクリフに挑んだ佐藤惇の挑戦【第41回大会3rdステージ完全版】 [youtube-nzpZtp0QUoc].ass
29 KiB
20240206 - 【青春】SASUKE甲子園の初代王者・青山学院高等部が参戦!【SASUKE2023裏側密着】 [youtube-ZiQfrRyhAgE].ass
58 KiB
20240206 - 【驚愕】初開催のSASUKE甲子園でFINALステージをクリアした高校生がスゴすぎた #shorts [youtube-nPwllUdYDW4].ass
2.7 KiB
20240207 - 【㊗️20万人突破記念】SASUKE2022 1stステージの選手目線カメラを大公開! #shorts [youtube-O8mYDvZ_gwQ].ass
0 B
20240207 - 【人類初のふんどし男!】京大SASUKEサークル旋風!41回大会 最初のクリア者 山下裕太【SASUKE2023 1st完全版】 [youtube-7jfkQUaXgVU].ass
17 KiB
20240208 - 【人類初】ツインダイヤをクリアした謎のふんどし男!京大SASUKEサークル山下裕太 [youtube-0lisDhW_b_8].ass
3.0 KiB
20240208 - 【止まらない】京大SASUKEサークルふんどし男 山下裕太の快進撃!2ndステージを突破しなんと3rdステージ進出! [youtube-klcdULddSWM].ass
27 KiB
20240209 - 【最終予選会2023】猛者500人の激戦を制したトップ通過はこの男!#shorts #相馬巧太郎 #チャッピーたくみ #中村晴 [youtube-xTv6pGCdJfM].ass
2.5 KiB
20240209 - 【熱情&実力】猛者500人の予選会から掴み取った本戦への切符!更なる壁が3人に立ちはだかる【SASUKE2023裏側密着】 [youtube-xtJyVodHSRg].ass
36 KiB
20240210 - 【45歳止まらない進化】2度の完全制覇者 漆原裕治1stステージ完全版 [youtube-YjcLV-MAtjQ].ass
28 KiB
20240211 - 【完全燃焼】全てを出し尽くした45歳漆原裕治の挑戦 2ndステージ&3rdステージ完全版 [youtube-YyXMi3LfLRw].ass
32 KiB
20240213 - 【15歳の逸材】サーモンラダーが速すぎる…サスケくんが弟子にしたいスーパー中学3年生・山田軍団『黒虎』 中島結太【SASUKE第41回大 [youtube-1DrumyqtS1s].ass
30 KiB
20240213 - 【速すぎ】中学3年生のサーモンラダーのスピードにサスケくんも驚愕!山田勝己の秘蔵っ子・中島結太 #SASUKE2023 の2ndステージ #shorts [youtube-60DYMuhZazc].ass
2.7 KiB
20240214 - 【ミスターSASUKE山田勝己58歳】 天国へ届け!25年目の勇姿 #sasuke2023 [youtube-ZWBKOg69HIE].ass
26 KiB
20240215 - 【どうした?】荒木直之にまさかのハプニング発生⁉︎#SASUKE #shorts [youtube-Q-l2Rhwa-kg].ass
3.0 KiB
20240215 - 【新章開幕】3月に結婚!カーデザイナー荒木直之にまさかのアクシデントが⁉︎【SASUKE2023⧸1stステージ完全版】 [youtube-vZbExvnrKMA].ass
24 KiB
20240216 - 【驚愕】1年で10秒以上更新⁉︎"新婚パワー"で自身も驚きのタイムが!【SASUKE2023⧸荒木直之2nd&3rdステージ完全版】 [youtube-0RT2DI0E0vI].ass
37 KiB
20240217 - 【悲願のクリア】SASUKEセット職人が見せた底力 内宮修造 1stステージ完全版 [youtube-uiqmRryLZ-I].ass
20 KiB
20240218 - 【チャンスは一度!】セット職人 #内宮修造 の底力 #sasuke [youtube-8zCT1gQ-5EU].ass
3.0 KiB
20240218 - 【惨敗】陸の逆流が襲いかかる!SASUKEのセット職人がリバースコンベアーに大苦戦 内宮修造 2ndステージ完全版 [youtube-Szosjr67kmY].ass
16 KiB
20240220 - 【45歳の快進撃】彼の辞書に"衰え"は存在しない! #漆原裕治 史上最年長3rdステージ進出 #sasuke [youtube-EQH00lSqOOs].ass
2.3 KiB
20240220 - 【結成10年目の襲名】ミスター黒虎・山本良幸1st完全版 #sasuke2023 [youtube-lkRSGN3x95A].ass
25 KiB
20240221 - 【和製ヘラクレス】保健体育教師の黒虎エース #山本良幸 の実力ハンパない! #sasuke [youtube-wUkI73_LB_M].ass
1.8 KiB
20240221 - 【男泣き】ミスター黒虎・山田団長をあの頂へ エース山本良幸 2nd &3rd完全版 #sasuke2023 [youtube-jqQfmfbBO0E].ass
24 KiB
20240222 - 【執念のパイプスライダー】2度目のFINALステージ進出をかけた大一番!山形県庁の星 多田竜也 #sasuke2022 #shorts [youtube-ELI6fIG6w00].ass
1.9 KiB
20240222 - 【家族と共に】結婚後 1stステージ無敗!山形県庁の星・多田竜也が勝利の女神&3歳の息子と挑む【SASUKE第41回大会1stステージ完全版】 [youtube--oxBLBCKwnI].ass
29 KiB
20240223 - 【どうした⁉︎】一瞬の幕切れ…山形県庁の星・多田竜也vs最恐新エリア・バーティカルリミット.BURST【SASUKE第41回大会2nd⧸3rdステージ [youtube-yMfEdBQvVOw].ass
46 KiB
20240224 - 【無敗記録更新】山形県庁の星 多田竜也の2ndステージ挑戦をマイクロドローンで追いかけてみた #SASUKE2023 #shorts [youtube-WNrE587tBxg].ass
2.6 KiB
20240225 - 【自由を大切に】走って跳んで登って遊び方は無限大!佐藤惇&多田達也パルクール教室in山形 [youtube-HUydf9V8dAQ].ass
21 KiB
20240227 - 【まさか!?】FINALを目指した川口朋広にまさかの落とし穴・・・人生初の出来事に唖然 【SASUKE2023完全版】 [youtube-DTRigHQdetU].ass
21 KiB
20240228 - 【何者】本当に銀行マン⁉︎初出場・宮岡良丞の大躍進がここから始まる!【SASUKE第41回大会1stステージ完全版】 [youtube-6bsBtGeXcDE].ass
18 KiB
20240229 - 【異次元】2人目の完全制覇者 #長野誠 の身軽さが超人級! #sasuke [youtube-1p3V-lbXr-c].ass
2.5 KiB
20240301 - 【怪物】応募10年で掴んだ夢舞台!愛媛の銀行マンが一同驚愕の"とんでもねぇ"実力を発揮【SASUKE第41回大会2nd&3rdステージ完全版】 [youtube-0xe_OefIL-Q].ass
34 KiB
20240302 - 【新企画】SASUKE選手に聞きたい100の質問!【①パルクール協会会長 佐藤惇編】 [youtube-ZRN5unhgNfE].ass
47 KiB
20240302 - 【衝撃のデビュー戦】愛媛銀行 職員 宮岡良丞をドローンで追ってみた #SASUKE2023 #1stステージ #shorts [youtube-6uyZ4kL6qFU].ass
2.4 KiB
20240303 - 【第2弾】SASUKE選手に聞きたい100の質問!の予定が急遽50の質問に【②山形県庁職員 多田竜也編】 [youtube-ccNz6q6UB_8].ass
26 KiB
20240305 - 【ついに!】SASUKE愛溢れる #和楽器バンド の #山葵 が念願の初クリア! #sasuke [youtube-9mppq_lWTGo].ass
3.1 KiB
20240305 - 【悲願】SASUKE4兄弟の暴れん坊が涙のクリア! 和楽器バンド・山葵1stステージ完全版 [youtube-3xGQubAhPqU].ass
14 KiB
20240306 - 【躍進】SASUKE4兄弟の想いも背負って楽しみぬいたSASUKE 和楽器バンド・山葵2nd⧸3rdステージ完全版 [youtube-q9GcCVoLLnI].ass
31 KiB
20240307 - 【チョー危ない!】 #サスケくん vs初登場のフィッシュボーンが危機一髪すぎる! #sasuke [youtube-8YV9sshVBTE].ass
2.1 KiB
20240307 - 【完全版】完全制覇のサスケくん 森本裕介 過去出場大会 全て見せます! #sasuke #サスケくん [youtube-jxsKYpR7TSU].ass
208 KiB
20240308 - 【新企画】SASUKEアワード2023 第41回大会の最優秀SASUKEプレイヤー= MVSを獲得するのは誰だ? [youtube-I1Q41XfPQpc].ass
17 KiB
20240309 - 【爆速男】梶原颯のクリアのカギは〇〇!?速すぎる異次元モンスターは進化し続ける【SASUKE2023⧸1stステージ】 [youtube-1GzOG4G9Igw].ass
22 KiB
20240310 - 【甘くねぇな】スピード&筋力モンスター 梶原颯は「高くて厳しい壁」を越える日まで進化し続ける【SASUKE2023⧸2nd&3rdステージ完全版 [youtube-0tDUAFIr9ds].ass
23 KiB
20240312 - 【一瞬の乱れ】生徒たちに勇姿を!45歳鈴木先生の挑戦にまさかの落とし穴 【SASUKE2023鈴木祐輔 完全版】 [youtube-Xy3-X2AgJBI].ass
17 KiB
20240313 - 【4〜7位】SASUKEアワード2023森本裕介vsバーティカルリミット.BURST裏側をぶっちゃけ! [youtube-qksddHyHpC0].ass
24 KiB
20240314 - 【池谷イズムの後継者】パフォーマー武藤智広 驚異の身体能力 1st完全版 #SASUKE2023 [youtube-GtG-XQ2LyKA].ass
26 KiB
20240315 - 【因縁の銀棒】武藤智広 心に響いたあの人の声 2nd &3rd完全版 [youtube-QX4G9XW9EGw].ass
27 KiB
20240316 - 【親子の絆】 離れ離れになった親子がSASUKEで紡いだ絆 #川口朋広 #sasuke [youtube-43pL21Aevt4].ass
2.0 KiB
20240317 - 【第3弾】SASUKE選手に聞きたい100の質問!【③完全制覇のサスケくん 森本裕介編】 [youtube-q-gKg2Xl8Ws].ass
55 KiB
20240319 [Women s Strongest] Battle against unknown pressure Ayano Oshima SASUKE2023 1st stage complete version [youtube-sJTWWyxKb6c].ass
17 KiB
20240320 [0 seconds 66 remaining] Former finalist is a persistent clear trampoline performer even though he has lost muscle.Shunyu Nagasaki SASUKE2023 complete version [youtube-mg3HPNVZqdY].ass
25 KiB
20240321 [Two genius junior high school students] Nagano Katamao & Nakajima Yuta What is the future of SASAUKE revealed side by side [youtube-wFrvOx-SbJY].ass
6.4 KiB
20240322 [Mr. SASUKE] What will be the fate of the 1000th challenger #Katsumi Yamada, who was 36 years old at the time ! [youtube-XeKjkv2M_S0].ass
2.8 KiB
20240323 Immediately after clearing the game, have a review session! A turning point tournament for the 10th time! A look behind the scenes of Keitaro Yamamoto, the s [One step ahead] [SASUKE2023 1st stage] [youtube-qe8uHF5c66s].ass
26 KiB
20240324 [Strongest vs. Scariest] Even Katsutaro Yamamoto, who is often called the strongest on the 3rd stage , will burst... [SASUKE2023 2nd & 3rd stage] [youtube-HB9Tr307Rpg].ass
35 KiB
20240326 - 【到達率2.07%】ぶっ通しバーティカルリミット完全版① 突起1cmと人類との全記録 [youtube-excS3vJcLfs].ass
39 KiB
20240327 [Finally a dream come true] The first complete conqueror in history #Kazuhiko Akiyama s first clear of the 2nd stage was so cool #sasuke #SASUKE2024 [youtube-Gj3kG4Usoq8].ass
2.3 KiB
20240328 [Best SASUKE Award] SASUKE Award 2023 MVS received a phone call from the principal the day after the broadcast of Nagano Katamaoh! [youtube-t5QgBzL_cG8].ass
20 KiB
20240329 [New project] SASUKE main live commentary We asked announcer Shinya Sugiyama about the divine live commentary! [Part 1 Parts 1 to 20] [youtube-wE6UUd3OP-w].ass
40 KiB
20240330 - 【ひょひょいのひょい】大リニューアルでも問題なし!足元が超不安定でも難なく進む超人 #長野誠 #sasuke #SASUKE2024 [youtube-hCtwWN8mcuw].ass
2.4 KiB
20240330 [Hyohyoi no Hyoi] No problems even after major renovation! A superman who moves effortlessly even though his feet are extremely unstable #Makoto Nagano #sasuke #SASUKE2024 [youtube-hCtwWN8mcuw].ass
2.4 KiB
20240401 [Most Crazy Area] Continuous Vertical Limit Complete Edition 2 Evolving 1cm Protrusion [youtube-331G6uB5a6U].ass
32 KiB
20240402 [Nonstop] What a circus artist! Elephant trainer Rene Cassley s movements are so light #SASUKE2023 [youtube-ElOlJmf3wWg].ass
2.9 KiB
20240403 [ Genius is the fruit of effort] SASUKE love! #Yuta Nakajima, who became a high school student, growth record for 3 years of junior high school #sasuke #SASUKE2024 [youtube-ynzjh2Jmm-4].ass
2.0 KiB
20240404 [Part 4] 100 Questions to Ask SASUKE Players! [Part 4 Kitagawa Electric Store Manager Masashi Hioki] [youtube-HHucGjYcums].ass
58 KiB
20240405 [Part 5] 100 Questions to Ask SASUKE Players! [5] Yuji Urushibara, Salesperson at Haruta Shoes [youtube-LpA-K1hKA_E].ass
44 KiB
20240406 [6th installment] 100 questions to ask SASUKE wrestlers! [⑥ALTIOR CEO Tomohiro Kawaguchi edition] [youtube-pG70Xn-Zro0].ass
49 KiB
20240409 [Part 2] We asked SASUKE main commentator Shinya Sugiyama for his amazing commentary! [Episodes 21-41] [youtube-E9BCe4VBboM].ass
28 KiB
20240410 [Complete Edition] See all of SASUKE hero Nagano Makoto s past tournament appearances! [youtube-57PXDy_SvoE].ass
275 KiB
20240411 [Great Success] SASUKE s famous sloping wall arrives in the Chugoku region for the first time! A close look at the BSS Festival [youtube-BTim-X97XKA].ass
41 KiB
20240412 [Really a break !] Wait for the second one! The third time #TomohiroMuto vs Sidewinder. The way they took a break was amazing #SamuraiRockOrchestra #SASUKE2024 [youtube-4LtkbyRbZq4].ass
1.9 KiB
20240413 The 42nd SASUKE2024 tournament will be held! We are looking for participants for the Strongest Challengers to Take on the [Important Notice] [For more information, please visit the program website] [youtube-6Eg1MutCQPs].ass
1.4 KiB
20240413 [7th installment] 100 questions to ask SASUKE wrestlers! [⑦Mr. SASUKE Katsumi Yamada edition] [youtube-9hLB3xUicds].ass
56 KiB
20240414 [Complete version] New generation leader Yuji Urushibara shows all his past tournament appearances! #sasuke2024 [youtube-KP46MyUctkc].ass
217 KiB
20240416 [The man chosen by the God of SASUKE] The moment a new hero is born! #Yuji Urushibara #sasuke #SASUKE2024 [youtube-bUihPepgg6c].ass
2.4 KiB
20240417 [Defeat Kyoto University!] A look at the welcome activities of the Tokyo University SASUKE club! New students with strong personalities keep coming #SASUKE2024 [youtube-a5UH6h7pE74].ass
16 KiB
20240418 [New Project] Masashi Hioki talks about the quirky area he fears the most [SASUKE players choice of rival areas Vol.1] [youtube-kcKTledk5nA].ass
24 KiB
20240419 [Spring to 1st year high school] The Black Tigers super rookie s incredible evolution continues! #SASUKE #Nakajima Yuta #High school student [youtube-19XNEnm04uo].ass
55 KiB
20240420 [Part 8] 100 Questions to Ask SASUKE Players! [SASUKE s only ever regular attendee, Shingo Yamamoto] [youtube-zJj5Ev8TuDk].ass
52 KiB
20240421 [Complete version] We ll show you all of the tournaments that the first complete conqueror, Kazuhiko Akiyama, has competed in! [youtube-ILdwFnt3KAg].ass
105 KiB
20240422 [Complete version] We ll show you all of the tournaments that the first complete conqueror, Kazuhiko Akiyama, has competed in! [youtube-qNO2G8_tc5o].ass
108 KiB
20240423 [Black Tigers Super Rookie] Close-up on high school entrance ceremony, he declares his big decision! #SASUKE #Nakajima Yuta [youtube-tBg5OU-1lgw].ass
19 KiB
20240424 [100 Questions to SASUKE Athletes] Parkour Association Chairman Sato Jun #shorts [youtube-BQbfQ5J7x7w].ass
2.8 KiB
20240424 [Important Announcement] The 2nd SASUKE Koshien will be held! [youtube-0KwTKptcWAw].ass
1.7 KiB
20240425 [SASUKE Koshien 2023] A festival for high school students who dedicate their youth to SASUKE ~ The path to victory of the first champion, Aoyama Gakuin High School ~ [youtube-ju9YqteHWIE].ass
46 KiB
20240426 [First time] Morimoto generation gathering @ Uchimiya Park Morimoto Tada Yamamoto Araki Sato 1st stage full training #sasuke2024 [youtube-u95beAkgDhw].ass
50 KiB
20240427 [There is a god in the set] Uchimiya Park Director Uchimiya Shuzo s love for the set [youtube-ifXzPNO-w-s].ass
15 KiB
20240428 [What on earth ] SASUKE s Morimoto generation does a mysterious warm-up before joint training! [youtube-VK4_e380QWs].ass
22 KiB
20240429 [Kurotora 2024] The crazy group Kurotora is starting! Mr. Sasuke joins the hellish training camp [youtube-qrR-TWvIl54].ass
39 KiB
20240430 [Detailed explanation] The terrifying tackle that derailed former SASUKE finalist Matachi’s career [youtube-uhc1GWYwB-c].ass
22 KiB
20240501 [100 Questions to SASUKE Players] We asked Yusuke Morimoto, the #SasukeKun, who has conquered the sport! ️ #shorts [youtube-dROghKLair8].ass
2.1 KiB
20240501 [50 Questions to SASUKE Players] We asked Tatsuya Tada, a Yamagata Prefectural Government employee! ️ #shorts [youtube-sYOWb_DCsx0].ass
2.6 KiB
20240502 [Rival] Tomohiro Kawaguchi vs. the Slanting Wall The biggest slump a former finalist has ever experienced [youtube-nPzG9rWUvO0].ass
24 KiB
20240503 [100 Questions to SASUKE Players] We asked Kitagawa Electric Store Manager Masashi Hioki‼️#shorts [youtube-Lv16_vylnmE].ass
2.6 KiB
20240503 [100 Questions to SASUKE Players] We asked Yuji Urushibara, a sales representative at Haruta Shoes! #shorts [youtube-0A_z3xUJZNo].ass
2.1 KiB
20240504 [100 Questions for SASUKE Players] We asked ALTIOR President Tomohiro Kawaguchi‼️#shorts [youtube-Ajzp2PPcwlE].ass
2.6 KiB
20240504 [100 Questions to SASUKE Athletes] We asked Mr. SASUKE, Katsumi Yamada‼️ #shorts [youtube-Mg2VmHWOYi0].ass
2.6 KiB
20240505 [Children s Day Special] SASUKE in the park! Cliff in a four-and-a-half-tatami room! Interview with a super elementary school student! #sasuke2024 [youtube-VvB1ylPktm8].ass
30 KiB
20240506 [Magic] Discovered! The key to conquering Vertical Limit.BRUST! Morimoto generation gathers @ Uchimiya Park [youtube-nlqZLCDx_AU].ass
55 KiB
20240507 [Number 1] The top batter who made Midoriyama excited! The finalist made a comeback and cleared! #Kanno Hitoshi #sasuke [youtube-lm9Qpl52QoQ].ass
2.5 KiB
20240508 [Mountain climbing] Fundoshi Man Yamashita Yuta s Kyoto University SASUKE club goes mountain climbing as part of a welcome event! [youtube-4h23UsUS_z4].ass
24 KiB
20240509 [Monster Elementary School Student] Cliff in a four-and-a-half-tatami room! Sneaking into SASUKE kids home training! #sasuke2024 #shorts [youtube-ImHYfuNAn7A].ass
2.1 KiB
20240510 [The temperature at the time was 3 degrees!] The moment #ShingoYamamoto made it to the FINAL for the first time #SASUKE2024 [youtube-KXIh8k6yam4].ass
2.7 KiB
20240511 [No. 9] 100 Questions to Ask SASUKE Players! [Plumber Ryo Matachi Edition] [youtube-exhf00Wu44I].ass
43 KiB
20240512 [Dead end] The biggest challenge for Black Tiger Ace is the Cliff Dimension [youtube-rHq2xyCblfw].ass
12 KiB
20240514 [The legend returns] The second person in history to complete the tour, Makoto Nagano, talks about the legendary 2006 FINAL stage The view from the top of the sky [youtube-qpMFrAPhesA].ass
10 KiB
20240515 [Live Intro Don!] We tried out a new project with Morimoto s generation... The results were surprising and it was so much fun lol #SASUKE2024 [youtube-iWP4kLN4ktY].ass
54 KiB
20240516 [18-year-old hero!] The high school senior who made Midoriyama excited #Nagasaki Shunyu #SASUKE2024 [youtube-PU_UTQ-s76Q].ass
3.0 KiB
20240517 [Amazing technique] It s like a factory production line! Morimoto s generation cliff relay #shorts [youtube-XuEN-Zp0-uI].ass
1.9 KiB
20240518 [Let s Quit SASUKE] Mysterious Loincloth Man What is Yuta Yamashita really thinking His thoughts on the Kyoto University SASUKE Club [youtube-1naol3sTIR4].ass
18 KiB
20240519 [Full Record] This is Mr. SASUKE Yamada Katsumi. We ll show you all of his past tournaments! [youtube-xFJMBM0rJpo].ass
192 KiB
20240521 [World s Octopus Manager] The big event before his 60th birthday! Octopus Manager Minoru Kuramochi goes to pick up the octopus at the finish line! #sasuke2024 [youtube-S6TNtXjVdGY].ass
2.5 KiB
20240522 [Part 10] 100 Questions to Ask SASUKE Players! [Second Person in History to Complete the Championship, Makoto Nagano] [youtube-0AVCWeaMhz8].ass
37 KiB
20240523 [100 Questions to SASUKE Players] We asked Shingo Yamamoto, the only player to have attended every SASUKE match!! ️#shorts [youtube-WOqi2Rga1xI].ass
2.2 KiB
20240525 [Dedicated to my biggest fan] #MisterSASUKE, also known as #KatsumiYamada, took on the challenge of the 1st stage with special feelings #sasuke2024 [youtube-GCS302cne8c].ass
1.0 KiB
20240526 [Transformation] The evolution of Fishbone in the 1st stage balance area #SASUKE2024 [youtube-mySwFtzja2U].ass
17 KiB
20240528 [Part 11] 100 Questions to Ask SASUKE Players! Black Tigers Ace [Yamamoto Yoshiyuki Edition] [youtube-7sKwRph5lT0].ass
42 KiB
20240529 [30 seconds of destiny] To make his childhood dream come true... #RyoMataji #SASUKE2024 [youtube-sEmuRGtrshw].ass
2.7 KiB
20240531 A speed star is born who overcomes the 53-second difference! [Now accepting applications from schools to participate in the 2nd SASUKE Koshien!! ️] #shorts [youtube-7Yz_IEIje34].ass
2.9 KiB
20240601 Plumber Ryo Matachi answers with all his might! [100 Questions to SASUKE Players] #shorts [youtube-ggkkyiN2JJE].ass
2.3 KiB
20240602 [Precious] Looking at the changes in the 1st stage with Shingo Yamamoto, a man who knows all 70 areas #sasuke2024 [youtube-A1FJbK_Jl58].ass
108 KiB
20240603 A junior high school sophomore cleared it! Complete conqueror Makoto Nagano s son, Kamiyao, achieved the feat at the youngest age in history! We followed him with a micro drone [Great Achievement] [youtube-XiqOFFfkZ9g].ass
2.5 KiB
20240604 [Reiwa Monster] Hayate Kajiwara s speed continues to evolve! He shows off his first stage performance in four consecutive shots! [youtube-DXWBOznQ2Xo].ass
17 KiB
20240605 [Beautiful technique] Mr. Dragon Glider Masashi Hioki - Watch all 7 attempts and see how beautiful it is! [youtube-Wpb5OI3ncTg].ass
12 KiB
20240607 [In a pinch!] Yuji Urushibara faces off against a new area... What will the outcome be [23rd vs Unstable Bridge] #SASUKE #shorts [youtube-hhNp0F0dbsE].ass
2.5 KiB
20240608 [Tokyo University vs Kyoto University] University SASUKE clubs open the Warring States era with a three-match series! Who will win [youtube-hHaVZAtP2Fw].ass
16 KiB
20240609 [Guts] The muscles are screaming! Sasuke Sensei Suzuki Yusuke VS Drum Hopper #sasuke #shorts [youtube-PVNbwrTXdjw].ass
2.5 KiB
20240611 [100 Questions to SASUKE Players] We asked #MakotoNagano, the second person to complete the challenge!! ️#shorts [youtube-5LHZiiZLjJ8].ass
2.0 KiB
20240612 [100 Questions to SASUKE Players] We asked Kurotora s ace #YoshiyukiYamamoto‼️#shorts [youtube-h8mrBV1R4N4].ass
2.7 KiB
20240614 The Complete History of the First Area of the 1st Stage of the 100 People s Domain (Part 1) [youtube-_n8-ifkwpBY].ass
34 KiB
20240615 [What s wrong!] Can you resist the backflow Tomohiro Kawaguchi VS Backstream #sasuke #shorts [youtube-1Y_ovzyhAY0].ass
3.2 KiB
20240616 [Dangerous!] Kitagawa Electric Store Manager #Masashi Hioki VS Spider Walk #sasuke #shorts [youtube-GcSVWzacUYs].ass
2.3 KiB
20240618 The Complete History of the First Area of the First Stage of the 100 People s Domain (Part 2) #SASUKE [youtube-FLPx7YKtpRg].ass
23 KiB
20240619 [Famous Scenes] Memorable scenes you ll want to see again! [Vol.1] [youtube-RvrxYDTPOkM].ass
22 KiB
20240620 [History] Evolution of the 1st area of the 2nd stage #SASUKE [youtube-GAMcMbcSUnA].ass
24 KiB
20240621 [The key is crossing your hands!] Kong, also known as #KenjiTakahashi, shows off a new way to tackle cliffs! #sasuke #sasuke2024 [youtube-yVuZi3tRtD8].ass
2.2 KiB
20240622 [Famous Scenes] Memorable scenes you ll want to see again! [Vol.2] [youtube-ZjuIXdhf9zs].ass
19 KiB
20240623 - 【東大vs京大】日本一のSASUKEサークルは?サバイバルシャトルラン&1stステージタイムアタック [youtube-4Ergd-RHt48].ass
29 KiB
20240623 [University of Tokyo vs Kyoto University] Which is the best SASUKE club in Japan Survival Shuttle Run & 1st Stage Time Attack [youtube-4Ergd-RHt48].ass
28 KiB
20240625 [Part 12] 100 Questions to Ask SASUKE Players! [Eiko Seminar Lecturer Keitaro Yamamoto Edition] [youtube-xOIwBYuGwLY].ass
36 KiB
20240626 [Shocking] Why don t you use that spot ! Superhuman jumping power and speed David Campbell s 1st stage #sasuke #sasuke2024 #usa [youtube-L1GofMT3QS8].ass
2.1 KiB
20240627 [Famous Scenes] Memorable scenes you ll want to see again! [Vol.3] #SASUKE [youtube-o28VF7bfw4Y].ass
21 KiB
20240628 [Famous Scenes] Memorable scenes you ll want to see again! [Vol.4] #SASUKE [youtube-9U3avce32Tc].ass
25 KiB
20240629 [History] Changes in the first area of the 3rd stage [youtube-6tCRfj_9k5c].ass
29 KiB
20240630 [Ultra-Maniac] Tokyo University vs Kyoto University SASUKE quiz showdown! [youtube-gMramx0-638].ass
33 KiB
20240702 [Super play from 7 years ago] Super rare footage not shown in the main story! #Atsushi Sato clears the 1st stage with a splendid performance! #sasuke #sasuke2024 #parkour [youtube-gUl_FlMCu2M].ass
2.7 KiB
20240703 [Famous Scenes] Memorable scenes you ll want to see again! [Vol.5] #SASUKE [youtube--r8ziPwGAVg].ass
29 KiB
20240704 [Famous Scenes] Memorable scenes you ll want to see again! [Vol.6] #SASUKE [youtube-78PDdLtXFyw].ass
28 KiB
20240705 [The Devil s Gate] The 2nd stage that tormented the strongest man in the 3rd stage - 8 and a half years to overcome the devil s gate #SASUKE [youtube-RpcXe6vrYQ0].ass
36 KiB
20240706 [Famous Scenes] Memorable scenes you ll want to see again! [Vol.7] #SASUKE [youtube-FataFOdVTtc].ass
20 KiB
20240707 - 【夢を叶えた】初出場から13年…山形県庁の星 多田竜也がついに掴んだFINALステージへの切符!【#SASUKE 第37回大会(2019年)】 #shorts [youtube-8GMusQOs36U].ass
2.6 KiB
20240709 [Famous Scenes] Memorable scenes you ll want to see again! [Vol.8] #SASUKE [youtube-7sRyKizXckU].ass
28 KiB
20240709 [Japan vs. the World The First-Ever Team Match] SASUKE World Cup 2024 [Wednesday, August 21st at 6 30pm!] [youtube-BKiIf-yDk3E].ass
1.5 KiB
20240710 [Highlights] Announcer Sugiyama will give a passionate introduction to the SASUKE World Cup 2024 ! [youtube-MZRv9T5MZMQ].ass
7.1 KiB
20240711 [Participating Team Introduction ① JAPAN Red] Japan s strongest active group! The team s only goal is to win! [SASUKE World Cup 2024 will be broadcast on Wednesday, August 21st at 6 30 pm] [youtube-I9t4rUBZ3WA].ass
15 KiB
20240712 To be the best in the world! Dangerous guys from Germany attack Japan [Participating Team Introduction 2 GERMANY] [SASUKE World Cup 2024 will be broadcast on Wednesday, August 21st at 6 30 pm] [youtube-s_X3ga3E8lA].ass
10 KiB
20240713 Their finger strength is impressive! A group of handsome climbers from Fran [Participating Team Introduction ③ FRANCE] [SASUKE World Cup 2024 will be broadcast on Wednesday, August 21st at 6 30 pm] [youtube-ApPTguP298A].ass
17 KiB
20240714 Complete winner! The best! The first in history! The top players of the American version of SASUKE gather together! Let s become the best in the world [Participating Team Introduction ④ USA] [youtube-HLJCIo99wao].ass
13 KiB
20240715 From a former Olympian gymnast to the youngest player in the tournament! The feelin [Participating Team Introduction 5 Australia] [SASUKE World Cup 2024 will be broadcast on August 21st at 6 30 pm] [youtube-qf_MLxE5gFI].ass
9.3 KiB
20240716 A luxurious lineup that colors the history of SASUKE! Truly legendary men and women gather at [Participating Team Introduction ⑥ JAPAN Legend] [SASUKE World Cup 2024 Wednesday, August 21, 6 30 pm] [youtube-utfiBTCqzaY].ass
14 KiB
20240717 The best part of this tournament is that it s a team competition! Will that be a blessing or a [Participating Team Introduction ⑦ JAPAN Blue] [SASUKE World Cup 2024 Wednesday, August 21st, 6 30pm] [youtube-y29s_k0h8dk].ass
4.8 KiB
20240717 Will the fusion of the SASUKE new generation and the momentum-building Snow Man s Hikaru Iwamo [Participating Team Introduction ⑦ JAPAN Blue] [SASUKE World Cup 2024 Wednesday, August 21, 6 30 p.m.] [youtube-s1VnhsQjEJk].ass
6.4 KiB
20240718 [Challenge to be the best in the world] SASUKE legends come together in a dream team TEAM JAPAN Legend Kane Kosugi [SASUKE World Cup 2024, Wednesday, August 21, 6 30 p.m.] [youtube-i3J3l3AwLWI].ass
12 KiB
20240719 [Legend Returns] Former No. 1 Female Athlete in the Entertainment Industry, Yuko Mizuno, Takes on SASUKE for the First Time in 19 Years [SASUKE World Cup 2024, Wednesday, August 21, 6 30pm] [youtube-hX5N5QQL2bU].ass
24 KiB
20240720 [JAPAN Blue] Snow Man Hikaru Iwamoto s passionate thoughts on the World Cup [SASUKE World Cup 2024 August 21 (Wednesday) 6 30pm] [youtube-RgBYHLNPJEU].ass
5.8 KiB
20240720 [Second promotional video released👏] SASUKE World Cup 2024 will be broadcast on Wednesday, August 21st at 6 30 pm [youtube-cv4QVptDx9Y].ass
1.5 KiB