20240102 - 【新年のご挨拶】キタガワ電気店長 日置将士が2024年を漢字一文字で表すと? [youtube-fztN8NFgbqQ].ass
20240102 - 【新年のご挨拶】サスケ先生こと鈴木祐輔が2024年を漢字一文字で表すと? [youtube-VFe0Wvn-Bvg].ass
20240102 - 【新年のご挨拶】配管工 又地諒が2024年を漢字一文字で表すと? [youtube-VBVANKL-3cU].ass
20240102 [New Year s Greeting] Mr. Hideki, Director of Kitagawa Electric Store, expressed 2024 by kanji single character [youtube-fztN8NFgbqQ].ass
20240102 [New Year s Greetings] Mr. Yusuke Suzuki, who is a kanji character, expressed 2024 [youtube-VFe0Wvn-Bvg].ass
20240102 [New Year s Greetings] When Ryoumatachi expresses 2024 in a single Kanji character [youtube-VBVANKL-3cU].ass
20240103 - 【新年のご挨拶】2度の完全制覇者 漆原裕治が2024年を漢字一文字で表すと? [youtube-9fi2QZtSQZE].ass
20240103 - 【新年のご挨拶】全力パフォーマンスでおなじみ!鳥澤克秀が2024年を漢字一文字で表すと? [youtube-28M7oUJFBuA].ass
20240103 [New Year s Greeting] Good performance! Katsuhide Torizawa expresses 2024 in kanji single character [youtube-28M7oUJFBuA].ass
20240103 [New Year s Greetings] When Yuji Urushihara expresses 2024 as a single Kanji character [youtube-9fi2QZtSQZE].ass
20240104 - 【新年のご挨拶】ALTIOR社長 川口朋広が2024年を漢字一文字で表すと? [youtube-CjjQ5T2OQ60].ass
20240104 - 【新年のご挨拶】唯一の皆勤賞 山本進悟が2024年を漢字一文字で表すと? [youtube-flZDLuUEFqY].ass
20240104 [New Year s Greeting] When ALTIOR President Tomohiro Kawaguchi expresses 2024 as a single character [youtube-CjjQ5T2OQ60].ass
20240104 [New Year s Greetings] Only Minnagi Award Shingo Yamamoto expresses 2024 as a single Kanji character [youtube-flZDLuUEFqY].ass
20240105 - 【新年のご挨拶】パルクール協会 会長 佐藤惇が2024年を漢字一文字で表すと? [youtube-66FfbKkP3tY].ass
20240105 - 【新年のご挨拶】山形県庁 職員 多田竜也が2024年を漢字一文字で表すと? [youtube-l3nNIycBvjs].ass
20240105 [New Year s Greeting] Mr. Atsushi Sato, Chairman of the クールcool Association, expressed 2024 as a single Kanji character [youtube-66FfbKkP3tY].ass
20240105 [New Year s Greeting] Yamagata Prefectural Office staff Tatsuya Tada expresses 2024 as a single Kanji character [youtube-l3nNIycBvjs].ass
20240106 - 【新年のご挨拶】カーデザイナー荒木直之が2024年を漢字一文字で表すと? [youtube-2Kul1ZRJMEQ].ass
20240106 - 【新年のご挨拶】キッズパーソナルトレーナー大嶋あやのが2024年を漢字一文字で表すと? [youtube-NYX2Lp8hRFE].ass
20240106 [New Year s Greeting] Car Designer Naoyuki Araki expresses 2024 in one Kanji character [youtube-2Kul1ZRJMEQ].ass
20240106 [New Year s Greeting] Kids Personal Trainer Ayano Oshima expresses 2024 in a single Kanji character [youtube-NYX2Lp8hRFE].ass
20240107 - 【新年のご挨拶】史上2人目の完全制覇者 長野誠が2024年を漢字一文字で表すと? [youtube-8fc_vfnYQRw].ass
20240107 - 【新年のご挨拶】最後は!ミスターSASUKE 山田勝己が2024年を漢字一文字で表すと? [youtube-Xj8CCdWtYAU].ass
20240107 [New Year s Greeting] The 2nd consecutive winner Nagano expresses 2024 as a single Kanji character [youtube-8fc_vfnYQRw].ass
20240107 [New Year s Greetings] Lastly! When Mr. SASUKE Katsumi expresses 2024 in kanji single character [youtube-Xj8CCdWtYAU].ass
20240108 - 【最速男】#SASUKE2023 梶原颯 1st最速クリアをマイクロドローンで追ってみた #ninjawarrior [youtube-iuqGB0EeOzM].ass
20240108 [fastest man] #SASUKE2023 Hitoshi Kajihara 1st fastest clear by microドローン #ninjawarrior [youtube-iuqGB0EeOzM].ass
20240109 - 【令和版忍者】魅せるSASUKEの体現者 パルクール佐藤惇 別班の動き【第41回大会1stステージ完全版】 [youtube-B-kh56FSflg].ass
20240109 【Reiwa version of Ninja】The enthusiasm of SASUKE by Atsushi PALCOOL SATO [41st full stage] [youtube-B-kh56FSflg].ass
20240110 - 【危機一髪】日置将士のサイドワインダーが神すぎた #sasuke #ninjawarrior [youtube-LlIIYeWodj4].ass
20240110 - 【危機一髪】第41回大会から厳選!超絶スーパープレイ集 [youtube-7c0-AI14GD0].ass
20240110 [Crisis hair] The side winder of the Naoki Shoshi was too god #sasuke #ninjawarrior [youtube-LlIIYeWodj4].ass
20240110 【Crisis hair】Selected from the 41st Competition! Super Play Collection [youtube-7c0-AI14GD0].ass
20240111 - 【危機一髪】SASUKE2023 フィッシュボーン2連発 [youtube-qTe3-v79RAc].ass
20240111 - 【推し活】東京駅で坂本さんアパレル先行販売中 #sasuke [youtube-WN0MOiFgh64].ass
20240111 Sakamoto apparel pre-sale at Tokyo Station #sasuke [youtube-WN0MOiFgh64].ass
20240111 SASUKE2023 [youtube-qTe3-v79RAc].ass
20240112 - 【スーパー中学生】山田勝己の秘蔵っ子 中島結太15歳が2回目の挑戦で初クリア【第41回大会1stステージ完全版】 [youtube-5yKE9MPtBNw].ass
20240112 [Super junior high school students] The secret brewer of Katsumiの Yuta Nakajima is the second challenge [the 41st tournament 1st stage full version] [youtube-5yKE9MPtBNw].ass
20240113 - 【父の涙】長野塊王14歳 史上最年少1stステージクリアの舞台裏 [youtube-zKhFk1_8VtI].ass
20240113 [Father tears] Nagano Hunk King 14 years old The youngest 1st stage clear behind the scenes [youtube-zKhFk1_8VtI].ass
20240114 - 緑山を彩る!スタートパフォーマンス2023【Vol.1】 [youtube-Y8J66yvOEnU].ass
20240114 Let s color the green mountain! Start Performance 2023 [youtube-Y8J66yvOEnU].ass
20240115 - 【#パルクール 協会 会長】#佐藤惇 マイクロドローンで追いかけてみた #sasuke #ninjawarrior [youtube-rjWbG6ft4AA].ass
20240115 - 【新攻略】魅せるSASUKE体現者 佐藤惇スパイダードロップ挑戦の全記録 【第41回大会2ndステージ完全版】 [youtube-Bdm3LSaWClU].ass
20240115 [#Palcourt Association Chairman] #Sasuke #ninjawarrior [youtube-rjWbG6ft4AA].ass
20240115 [New strategy] The full record of SASUKE embodies Sato Jun Spider Drop challenge [The 41st 2nd stage full version] [youtube-Bdm3LSaWClU].ass
20240116 - 【舞台裏】欠場でも裏で又地を支え続けたケイン・コスギ2人3脚で挑んだSASUKE第2章 [youtube-ENf_vP362KM].ass
20240116 【Backstage】SASUKE Chapter 2 challenged by two Kine Kos】 who continued to touch the back even in the absence [youtube-ENf_vP362KM].ass
20240117 - 【間一髪】第41回大会 ギリギリクリアランキング [youtube-bWAtUm7F1IE].ass
20240117 【1 hair】The 41st Competition Giligiri Clear Ranking [youtube-bWAtUm7F1IE].ass
20240118 - 【ド根性】ミスター安定感 日置将士がまさかの危機!?42歳が魅せる執念のクリア【第41回大会 1stステージ完全版】 [youtube-2jgHhoPo1Ag].ass
20240118 - 【ミスター安定感】日置将士 SASUKE2023 1stステージ危機一髪 [youtube-FGY3zhYj7D8].ass
20240118 [Doneality] Mr. Stabilistics The crisis of Mr. Hyoki! Clearing the conviction of the age of 42 [The 41st meeting 1st stage complete version] [youtube-2jgHhoPo1Ag].ass
20240118 SASUKE2023 [youtube-FGY3zhYj7D8].ass
20240119 - 【信頼と実績】サスケくんが10回目の100番を背負って挑んだSASUKE第41回大会1stステージ完全版 [youtube-LqVivxtSMYA].ass
20240119 【Trust and track record】 SASUKE s 41st 1st stage full version [youtube-LqVivxtSMYA].ass
20240120 - 【絶叫&感動】実況もアツい!緑山に響く魂の叫び!アナウンサー奮闘記2023 [youtube-4jVVj35nI5g].ass
20240120 [Screaming & Touching] The real situation is alsoツ! Screaming the soul to resonate in the green mountain! Announcer struggle 2023 [youtube-4jVVj35nI5g].ass
20240121 - 【密着】SASUKE 愛溢れる全力リポート! アナウンサー奮闘記2023 [youtube-4vLm-_WhSCA].ass
20240121 【A 】SASUKE All-in-One Power Report! Announcer Str le 2023 [youtube-4vLm-_WhSCA].ass
20240122 - 【中学3年生】山田勝己の秘蔵っ子 中島結太がSASUKEで魅せた! #shorts [youtube-1kFUxJ0hSKE].ass
20240122 - 【何者!?】インフルエンサー 髭達磨 荒川太一SASUKE挑戦 [youtube-sieUD8NA2u8].ass
20240122 Contact 】Influencer Tatsuma Arakawa Taichi SASUKE Challenge [youtube-sieUD8NA2u8].ass
20240122 【Junior high school 3rd grade student】Yuta Nakajima, the secret brewer of Katsumi】, attracted by SASUKE! #shorts [youtube-1kFUxJ0hSKE].ass
20240123 - 【栄光の100番】サスケくんこと森本裕介をドローンで追いかけてみた #shorts [youtube-0pfZPBYu-Bo].ass
20240123 - 【盤石】速すぎるサスケくんの動きに会場騒然! 森本裕介 SASUKE第41回大会2ndステージ完全版 [youtube-QySVm8Md49s].ass
20240123 [Glory No. 100] Mr. Yusuke Morimoto chased with a ドローン #shorts [youtube-0pfZPBYu-Bo].ass
20240123 [Pascals] The の動きque-kun movement too fast! Yusuke Morimoto SASUKE 41st meeting 2nd stage full version [youtube-QySVm8Md49s].ass
20240124 - 【満身創痍】SASUKE愛が突き動かす"樽美酒研二 全身全霊の戦い"<2023年1st完全版> [youtube-Y0zyY4jKO-I].ass
20240124 [Made in full] SASUKE Love s drive Kakemi Kenji Full Body Spirit Battle 2023 1st Complete Edition [youtube-Y0zyY4jKO-I].ass
20240125 - 【ドイツ完全制覇者】レネ・キャスリー4年ぶりの凱旋 緑山に再び衝撃が走る [youtube-rjHpINGP7mg].ass
20240125 - 【魂の男】樽美酒研二をドローンで追いかけてみた #shorts [youtube-41dJlLuCoWU].ass
20240125 - 【魂の男】樽美酒研二をドローンで追いかけてみた #shorts [youtube-aCNSH4EH9iA].ass
20240125 [Germany full champion] Rene Cassley s first Arc de Triomphe in 4 years Rene Green Mountain [youtube-rjHpINGP7mg].ass
20240125 [Men of the soul] I tried to chase the brewery Kenji with a ドローン #shorts [youtube-41dJlLuCoWU].ass
20240125 [Men of the soul] I tried to chase the brewery Kenji with a ドローン #shorts [youtube-aCNSH4EH9iA].ass
20240126 - 【レネインパクト再び】ドイツの完全制覇者レネ・キャスリー2nd &3rd完全版 [youtube-v4IqXMaENDc].ass
20240126 - 【象つかいハンパない】4年ぶりに帰ってきた #レネキャスリー 圧巻の1stステージ #sasuke2024 #ninjawarrior #germany [youtube-HNcFxcIr9pE].ass
20240126 [Elephantハンer] I came back for the first time in 4 years #renecastle 1st stage #sasuke2024 #ninjawarrior #germany [youtube-HNcFxcIr9pE].ass
20240126 [Rene Impact Again] 2nd & 3rd Complete Edition of Rene Catsley [youtube-v4IqXMaENDc].ass
20240127 #shorts #Yusuke Morimoto #sasuke2023 [youtube-C0UV2RALFi0].ass
20240127 - 【100番の使命】仲間が散った最恐新エリアvsサスケくん!森本裕介 SASUKE第41回大会3rdステージ完全版 [youtube--11egoGrmlY].ass
20240127 - 【盤石すぎる】サスケくんの2ndステージをドローンで追いかけてみた #shorts #森本裕介 #sasuke2023 [youtube-C0UV2RALFi0].ass
20240127 [100th mission] The most promising new area vsケke-kun! Yusuke Morimoto SASUKE 41st meeting 3rd stage full version [youtube--11egoGrmlY].ass
20240128 The moment when a boy who was cheering the past, chasing the back of the longing # junior high school 2nd grader #N o長野 #N o #Parent and child #sasuke #ninjawarrior [The youngest in history!] [youtube-1ILQ4ZG3zJw].ass
20240128 - 【史上最年少!】かつてパパを応援していた少年が 憧れの背中を追いかけ 歴史を動かした瞬間 #中学2年生 #長野塊王 #長野誠 #親子 #sa [youtube-1ILQ4ZG3zJw].ass
20240128 - 【鑑賞会】大盛り上がり!SASUKE2023をレジェンド達と振り返る!本番中の心境など裏話が続々! [youtube-jt_pFJhnPsY].ass
20240128 SASUKE2023 The back story of the main story is continued! [youtube-jt_pFJhnPsY].ass
20240129 - 【鑑賞会Vo.2】佐藤惇の圧巻パフォーマンスにレジェンド達の反応は!?ここでしか語られない裏話も続々! [youtube-cMDmvplsjwQ].ass
20240129 - 緑山を彩る!スタートパフォーマンス2023【Vol.2】 [youtube-h7nKYQqUXM0].ass
20240129 [Vo.2] The reaction of the legend to the佐藤 performance of Sato Atsushi! [youtube-cMDmvplsjwQ].ass
20240129 Let s color the green mountain! Start Performance 2023 [youtube-h7nKYQqUXM0].ass
20240130 - 【SASUKEオタクのアイドル現る】6歳で長野誠にハマった #BUDDiiS 大槻拓也の愛がスゴすぎた #shorts [youtube-M9x4ZXmK6SI].ass
20240130 - 【歌って踊れるSASUKEオタク】6歳から夢見たスタート台に立ったBUDDiiS 大槻拓也のSASUKE初挑戦に密着したらメンバーもSASUKE沼に!? [youtube-0Czx04Jjxbw].ass
20240130 [SASUKE Otaku Idol present]長野にに Nagano at 6 years old #BUDDiiS The love of槻ya Otsuki was too much #shorts [youtube-M9x4ZXmK6SI].ass
20240130 【SASUKE Otaku that can be sung and danced】 If you get close to the SASUKE first challenge ofSAya Otsuki, BUDDiiS standing on a dream start from 6 years old, the members will be SASUKE Numa! [youtube-0Czx04Jjxbw].ass
20240131 - 【初告白】日置将士 出場の裏側には盟友とのあるエピソードが…「僕一人ではスタート台には立てなかった」 [youtube-0DZg_eteoh0].ass
20240131 [First confession] On the back side of the appearance, there is a story with a friend ... I did not stand alone on the starttable [youtube-0DZg_eteoh0].ass
20240201 - Kingdom Ninja Daniel Gil takes on his dream destination, Midoriyama, for the first time. 【1st完全版】 [youtube-2Denqf1fhnA].ass
20240201 - 【緑山のスーパーマリオ!】再起をかけた元ファイナリスト #又地諒 の1stステージ #sasuke [youtube-YQSfbm3qnFY].ass
20240201 [Green Mountains Super Mario!] The rebounded former finalist # and the 1st stage #sasuke [youtube-YQSfbm3qnFY].ass
20240201 Kingdom Ninja Daniel Gil takes on his dream destination, Midoriyama, for the first time. [youtube-2Denqf1fhnA].ass
20240202 - The strongest area in the world, convinced by American complete conqueror Daniel Gil #sasuke [youtube-pQ0P18oYCec].ass
20240202 - 【愛のチカラ】アメリカNinja warrior史上4人目の完全制覇者!!アメリカのトッププレイヤーが日本の#SASUKE にやってきた! #ninjawarrior [youtube-NTUGaHwtnA4].ass
20240202 The 4th winner of the Ninja Warrior history in the United States!! The top player in the US came to Japan s #SASUKE! ninjawarrior [youtube-NTUGaHwtnA4].ass
20240202 The strongest area in the world, convinced by American complete conqueror Daniel Gil #sasuke [youtube-pQ0P18oYCec].ass
20240203 - 【マジ!?】2人目の完全制覇者・長野誠が開始3秒で池へ・・・スプレーつけ過ぎ事件を振り返る [youtube-K1kY87Hd0MM].ass
20240203 - 【間に合うか?!】元ファイナリストの意地! #長崎峻侑 が真の復活へ #sasuke [youtube-M3UMCnEkI5A].ass
20240203 [Happy to the time !] The original finalist! #Na to the true revival #sasuke [youtube-M3UMCnEkI5A].ass
20240203 [Magic! ] The second full-time winner,長野を Nagano starts to を in 3 seconds... [youtube-K1kY87Hd0MM].ass
20240204 - 【まさに危機一髪】こんな神回避あるの?!ヒヤッと3連発後の #漆原裕治 の運命は? #sasuke [youtube-4wzKSCTMUqo].ass
20240204 - 【鑑賞会Vo.4】絶対絶命!サイドワインダーでの復活劇!その瞬間 日置が思ったこととは? [youtube-7UkZ5D0MUOU].ass
20240204 [Exactly Crisis hair] Is there such a god evasion ! What is the fate of Hijac and Hiroharu Urushibara after 3 recessation #sasuke [youtube-4wzKSCTMUqo].ass
20240204 【Vo.4】Absolute life! Revival drama in the side winder! What did you think of the moment [youtube-7UkZ5D0MUOU].ass
20240205 - 【レア映像】佐藤惇の2ndステージをドローンで追跡してみた #パルクール #sasuke #ドローン [youtube-haRdCNRPH2o].ass
20240205 - 【過去最強】クリフ用の身体で8度目のクリフに挑んだ佐藤惇の挑戦【第41回大会3rdステージ完全版】 [youtube-nzpZtp0QUoc].ass
20240205 [Previous Lecture] Atsushi Sato challenged the 8th Cliff with the body for Cliff [The 41st 3rd stage full version] [youtube-nzpZtp0QUoc].ass
20240205 [Rare video] I tried to track the 2nd stage of Sato Jun with a ドローン #Palcool #sukesa #ドローン [youtube-haRdCNRPH2o].ass
20240206 - 【青春】SASUKE甲子園の初代王者・青山学院高等部が参戦!【SASUKE2023裏側密着】 [youtube-ZiQfrRyhAgE].ass
20240206 - 【驚愕】初開催のSASUKE甲子園でFINALステージをクリアした高校生がスゴすぎた #shorts [youtube-nPwllUdYDW4].ass
20240206 [Amazing] High school students who cleared the FIステージ stage at the first SASUKE Koshien #shorts [youtube-nPwllUdYDW4].ass
20240206 【Autumn】SASUKE Koshien’s first champion, Aoyama Gakuin High School joins!【SASUKE2023 Backside A】】 [youtube-ZiQfrRyhAgE].ass
20240207 - 【㊗️20万人突破記念】SASUKE2022 1stステージの選手目線カメラを大公開! #shorts [youtube-O8mYDvZ_gwQ].ass
20240207 - 【人類初のふんどし男!】京大SASUKEサークル旋風!41回大会 最初のクリア者 山下裕太【SASUKE2023 1st完全版】 [youtube-7jfkQUaXgVU].ass
20240207 [First man in humanity! ] Keidai SASUKE circle wind! 41 times tournament First clearer Yuta Yama】 [SASUKE2023 1st complete version] [youtube-7jfkQUaXgVU].ass
20240207 SASUKE2022 1st stage [youtube-O8mYDvZ_gwQ].ass
20240208 - 【人類初】ツインダイヤをクリアした謎のふんどし男!京大SASUKEサークル山下裕太 [youtube-0lisDhW_b_8].ass
20240208 - 【止まらない】京大SASUKEサークルふんどし男 山下裕太の快進撃!2ndステージを突破しなんと3rdステージ進出! [youtube-klcdULddSWM].ass
20240208 [First time in humanity] A mystery man who cleared twin diamonds! Keidai SASUKE circle Hirota Yama】 [youtube-0lisDhW_b_8].ass
20240208 【do not stop】Keidai SASUKE Circle Fundoshio YAMASHITA Hirota! Breaking through the 2nd stage and entering the 3rd stage! [youtube-klcdULddSWM].ass
20240209 - 【最終予選会2023】猛者500人の激戦を制したトップ通過はこの男!#shorts #相馬巧太郎 #チャッピーたくみ #中村晴 [youtube-xTv6pGCdJfM].ass
20240209 - 【熱情&実力】猛者500人の予選会から掴み取った本戦への切符!更なる壁が3人に立ちはだかる【SASUKE2023裏側密着】 [youtube-xtJyVodHSRg].ass
20240209 [Final Qualifying Round 2023] The top pass by 500 戦ents is this man! #shorts [youtube-xTv6pGCdJfM].ass
20240209 [Heatfulness & Power] Ticket to the World War I Grabed from the 500th Preliminary Round! More Walls Stand for 3 [SASUKE2023 Backside A】] [youtube-xtJyVodHSRg].ass
20240210 - 【45歳止まらない進化】2度の完全制覇者 漆原裕治1stステージ完全版 [youtube-YjcLV-MAtjQ].ass
20240210 【Evo beyond the age of 45】2nd Complete Winner Yuji Urushihara 1st Stage Complete Edition [youtube-YjcLV-MAtjQ].ass
20240211 - 【完全燃焼】全てを出し尽くした45歳漆原裕治の挑戦 2ndステージ&3rdステージ完全版 [youtube-YyXMi3LfLRw].ass
20240211 [45lete combustion] 45-year-old Yuji Urushihara challenge 2nd stage & 3rd stage complete version [youtube-YyXMi3LfLRw].ass
20240213 - 【15歳の逸材】サーモンラダーが速すぎる…サスケくんが弟子にしたいスーパー中学3年生・山田軍団『黒虎』 中島結太【SASUKE第41回大 [youtube-1DrumyqtS1s].ass
20240213 - 【速すぎ】中学3年生のサーモンラダーのスピードにサスケくんも驚愕!山田勝己の秘蔵っ子・中島結太 #SASUKE2023 の2ndステージ #shorts [youtube-60DYMuhZazc].ass
20240213 [Too fast] I am amazed by the speed of the salmon ダーder of the middle school 3rd grade! #shorts #shorts [youtube-60DYMuhZazc].ass
20240213 Salmon ダーder is too fast... Kurotora Yuta Nakajima [SASUKE 41st meeting 2nd stage complete version] [youtube-1DrumyqtS1s].ass
20240214 - 【ミスターSASUKE山田勝己58歳】 天国へ届け!25年目の勇姿 #sasuke2023 [youtube-ZWBKOg69HIE].ass
20240214 【Mister SASUKE58 Katsumi 58 years old】 Delivered to Rusutsu! 25th year of姿 #sasuke2023 [youtube-ZWBKOg69HIE].ass
20240215 - 【どうした?】荒木直之にまさかのハプニング発生⁉︎#SASUKE #shorts [youtube-Q-l2Rhwa-kg].ass
20240215 - 【新章開幕】3月に結婚!カーデザイナー荒木直之にまさかのアクシデントが⁉︎【SASUKE2023⧸1stステージ完全版】 [youtube-vZbExvnrKMA].ass
20240215 Married in March! Car Designer Naoyuki Araki s Acident! ︎【SASUKE2023 1st stage complete version】 [youtube-vZbExvnrKMA].ass
20240215 【How do you do 】 Naoyuki Araki s hapning! ︎#SASUKE #shorts [youtube-Q-l2Rhwa-kg].ass
20240216 - 【驚愕】1年で10秒以上更新⁉︎"新婚パワー"で自身も驚きのタイムが!【SASUKE2023⧸荒木直之2nd&3rdステージ完全版】 [youtube-0RT2DI0E0vI].ass
20240216 [Amazing] Updated at least 10 seconds in a year! ︎ Newly Married Power is a surprise time! [SASUKE2023 Naoyuki Araki 2nd & 3rd stage full version] [youtube-0RT2DI0E0vI].ass
20240217 - 【悲願のクリア】SASUKEセット職人が見せた底力 内宮修造 1stステージ完全版 [youtube-uiqmRryLZ-I].ass
20240217 【Clear of grief】SASUKE Set Artisans showed the bottom force Shuzo Uchinomiya 1st stage complete version [youtube-uiqmRryLZ-I].ass
20240218 - 【チャンスは一度!】セット職人 #内宮修造 の底力 #sasuke [youtube-8zCT1gQ-5EU].ass
20240218 - 【惨敗】陸の逆流が襲いかかる!SASUKEのセット職人がリバースコンベアーに大苦戦 内宮修造 2ndステージ完全版 [youtube-Szosjr67kmY].ass
20240218 [One chance!] Set craftsman #the strength of Shuzo Uchinomiya #sasuke [youtube-8zCT1gQ-5EU].ass
20240218 【Disaster loss】Reverse flow of land is attacked! SASUKE’s set craftsmen struggle to reverse conveyor Shuzo Uchinomiya 2nd stage full version [youtube-Szosjr67kmY].ass
20240220 #sasuke #sasuke [youtube-EQH00lSqOOs].ass
20240220 - 【45歳の快進撃】彼の辞書に"衰え"は存在しない! #漆原裕治 史上最年長3rdステージ進出 #sasuke [youtube-EQH00lSqOOs].ass
20240220 - 【結成10年目の襲名】ミスター黒虎・山本良幸1st完全版 #sasuke2023 [youtube-lkRSGN3x95A].ass
20240220 [Mr. Kurotora, Yamamoto Ryoko 1st Complete Edition] #sasuke2023 [youtube-lkRSGN3x95A].ass
20240221 - 【和製ヘラクレス】保健体育教師の黒虎エース #山本良幸 の実力ハンパない! #sasuke [youtube-wUkI73_LB_M].ass
20240221 - 【男泣き】ミスター黒虎・山田団長をあの頂へ エース山本良幸 2nd &3rd完全版 #sasuke2023 [youtube-jqQfmfbBO0E].ass
20240221 [Japanese made Her es] Health and Sports Teacher Kurotora教師 #Yamamoto Yoshiyuki s power is not hand! #sasuke [youtube-wUkI73_LB_M].ass
20240221 [Male Crying] Mr. Kurotora and Mr. to the top of that山 Yamamoto Yoshiyuki 2nd & 3rd Complete Edition #sasuke2023 [youtube-jqQfmfbBO0E].ass
20240222 1st stage lost after marriage! Tatsuya Tada, the star of Yamagata Prefectural Office, challenges with the goddess of victory & the 3rd year old so [With family] [SASUKE 41st 1st stage full version] [youtube--oxBLBCKwnI].ass
20240222 - 【執念のパイプスライダー】2度目のFINALステージ進出をかけた大一番!山形県庁の星 多田竜也 #sasuke2022 #shorts [youtube-ELI6fIG6w00].ass
20240222 - 【家族と共に】結婚後 1stステージ無敗!山形県庁の星・多田竜也が勝利の女神&3歳の息子と挑む【SASUKE第41回大会1stステージ完全版】 [youtube--oxBLBCKwnI].ass
20240222 [Pipe slider with obsession] The second FIステージ stage expansion is the biggest! Tatsuya Horita of Yamagata Prefectural Office #sasuke2022 #shorts [youtube-ELI6fIG6w00].ass
20240223 One moment of the curtain ... Star of Yamagata Prefectural Office · Tatsuya Tada vs the most promising new area · Vertical limit. BUR [What! ! ! ! ] [SASUKE 41st meeting 2nd 3rd stage full version] [youtube-yMfEdBQvVOw].ass
20240223 - 【どうした⁉︎】一瞬の幕切れ…山形県庁の星・多田竜也vs最恐新エリア・バーティカルリミット.BURST【SASUKE第41回大会2nd⧸3rdステージ [youtube-yMfEdBQvVOw].ass
20240224 - 【無敗記録更新】山形県庁の星 多田竜也の2ndステージ挑戦をマイクロドローンで追いかけてみた #SASUKE2023 #shorts [youtube-WNrE587tBxg].ass
20240224 [Unde】ed record update] Tatsuya Hoshida, Yamagata Prefectural Office, 2nd stage challenge chased with a microドローン #SASUKE2023 #shorts [youtube-WNrE587tBxg].ass
20240225 - 【自由を大切に】走って跳んで登って遊び方は無限大!佐藤惇&多田達也パルクール教室in山形 [youtube-HUydf9V8dAQ].ass
20240225 【Enjoying freedom】Run and jump climbing is infinite! Sato Jun & Tatsuya Tada Parcourt Class in Yamagata [youtube-HUydf9V8dAQ].ass
20240227 - 【まさか!?】FINALを目指した川口朋広にまさかの落とし穴・・・人生初の出来事に唖然 【SASUKE2023完全版】 [youtube-DTRigHQdetU].ass
20240227 Contact 】Tomohiro Kawaguchi, aiming for FI , the pitfall of the pitfall ... stunned to the first event of life [SASUKE2023 full version] [youtube-DTRigHQdetU].ass
20240228 - 【何者】本当に銀行マン⁉︎初出場・宮岡良丞の大躍進がここから始まる!【SASUKE第41回大会1stステージ完全版】 [youtube-6bsBtGeXcDE].ass
20240228 【Who are you ! 】First appearance of Yoshinori Miyaoka starts here! 【SASUKE 41st 1st Stage Complete Edition】 [youtube-6bsBtGeXcDE].ass
20240229 - 【異次元】2人目の完全制覇者 #長野誠 の身軽さが超人級! #sasuke [youtube-1p3V-lbXr-c].ass
20240229 【Dimensions】The second full winner #N o’s lightness is supernatural! #sasuke [youtube-1p3V-lbXr-c].ass
20240301 A dream stage that I got in the tenth year of the application! The bankman ofの is astonished, Traditional demonstrates the power [Monsters] [SASUKE 41st meeting 2nd & 3rd stage complete version] [youtube-0xe_OefIL-Q].ass
20240301 - 【怪物】応募10年で掴んだ夢舞台!愛媛の銀行マンが一同驚愕の"とんでもねぇ"実力を発揮【SASUKE第41回大会2nd&3rdステージ完全版】 [youtube-0xe_OefIL-Q].ass
20240302 - 【新企画】SASUKE選手に聞きたい100の質問!【①パルクール協会会長 佐藤惇編】 [youtube-ZRN5unhgNfE].ass
20240302 - 【衝撃のデビュー戦】愛媛銀行 職員 宮岡良丞をドローンで追ってみた #SASUKE2023 #1stステージ #shorts [youtube-6uyZ4kL6qFU].ass
20240302 [Debut of shock]職員 Bank staff Yoshiyoshi Miyaoka tried to follow with a ドローン #SASUKE2023 #1st stage #shorts [youtube-6uyZ4kL6qFU].ass
20240302 [New Project] 100 questions that SASUKE wants to hear! [1 クール Cool Association Chairman Jun Sato] [youtube-ZRN5unhgNfE].ass
20240303 - 【第2弾】SASUKE選手に聞きたい100の質問!の予定が急遽50の質問に【②山形県庁職員 多田竜也編】 [youtube-ccNz6q6UB_8].ass
20240303 [Part 2] 100 questions that SASUKE wants to hear! 50 questions urgently [Part 2 Yamagata Prefectural Office official Tatsuya Tada] [youtube-ccNz6q6UB_8].ass
20240305 #sasuke [youtube-9mppq_lWTGo].ass
20240305 - 【ついに!】SASUKE愛溢れる #和楽器バンド の #山葵 が念願の初クリア! #sasuke [youtube-9mppq_lWTGo].ass
20240305 - 【悲願】SASUKE4兄弟の暴れん坊が涙のクリア! 和楽器バンド・山葵1stステージ完全版 [youtube-3xGQubAhPqU].ass
20240305 SASUKE4 Brother s Rumbo Clears Tear! Japanese musical instrument band, Yamaoi 1st stage full version [youtube-3xGQubAhPqU].ass
20240306 - 【躍進】SASUKE4兄弟の想いも背負って楽しみぬいたSASUKE 和楽器バンド・山葵2nd⧸3rdステージ完全版 [youtube-q9GcCVoLLnI].ass
20240306 SASUKE 4 si s thoughts are not so much fun SASUKE 2nd 3rd stage full version [youtube-q9GcCVoLLnI].ass
20240307 #sasuke [youtube-8YV9sshVBTE].ass
20240307 - 【チョー危ない!】 #サスケくん vs初登場のフィッシュボーンが危機一髪すぎる! #sasuke [youtube-8YV9sshVBTE].ass
20240307 - 【完全版】完全制覇のサスケくん 森本裕介 過去出場大会 全て見せます! #sasuke #サスケくん [youtube-jxsKYpR7TSU].ass
20240307 [版lete Edition] Full-time acquaintance Yusuke Morimoto Past Competition Show all! # [youtube-jxsKYpR7TSU].ass
20240308 - 【新企画】SASUKEアワード2023 第41回大会の最優秀SASUKEプレイヤー= MVSを獲得するのは誰だ? [youtube-I1Q41XfPQpc].ass
20240308 [New Project] Who won the VSASUKE Player = MVS of the 41st Competition [youtube-I1Q41XfPQpc].ass
20240309 - 【爆速男】梶原颯のクリアのカギは〇〇!?速すぎる異次元モンスターは進化し続ける【SASUKE2023⧸1stステージ】 [youtube-1GzOG4G9Igw].ass
20240309 [A-bomb velocity man] A clear key is 〇 〇 ! A too fast-moving dimensional monster continues to evolve [SASUKE2023 1st stage] [youtube-1GzOG4G9Igw].ass
20240310 - 【甘くねぇな】スピード&筋力モンスター 梶原颯は「高くて厳しい壁」を越える日まで進化し続ける【SASUKE2023⧸2nd&3rdステージ完全版 [youtube-0tDUAFIr9ds].ass
20240310 [Sweet andぇ] Speed & Muscle Power Monster Saki Kajihara continues to evolve until the high and tough wall [SASUKE2023 2nd & 3rd stage full version] # Cliff dimension [youtube-0tDUAFIr9ds].ass
20240312 - 【一瞬の乱れ】生徒たちに勇姿を!45歳鈴木先生の挑戦にまさかの落とし穴 【SASUKE2023鈴木祐輔 完全版】 [youtube-Xy3-X2AgJBI].ass
20240312 [In the instantaneous turbulence] I am brave to the students! The pitfall in the challenge of 45 years old Suzuki [SASUKE2023 SUZ Yusuke Complete Edition] [youtube-Xy3-X2AgJBI].ass
20240313 - 【4〜7位】SASUKEアワード2023森本裕介vsバーティカルリミット.BURST裏側をぶっちゃけ! [youtube-qksddHyHpC0].ass
20240313 【4th~7th place】SASUKE Award 2023 Yusuke Morimoto vs Vertical Limit. BURST back side! [youtube-qksddHyHpC0].ass
20240314 - 【池谷イズムの後継者】パフォーマー武藤智広 驚異の身体能力 1st完全版 #SASUKE2023 [youtube-GtG-XQ2LyKA].ass
20240314 [Ikeya Izm successor] Performer Tomohiro Muto Amazing physical ability 1st complete version #SASUKE2023 [youtube-GtG-XQ2LyKA].ass
20240315 - 【因縁の銀棒】武藤智広 心に響いたあの人の声 2nd &3rd完全版 [youtube-QX4G9XW9EGw].ass
20240315 【Gin rod of the edge】 Tomohiro Muto The voice of the people who sounded closely 2nd & 3rd full version [youtube-QX4G9XW9EGw].ass
20240316 - 【親子の絆】 離れ離れになった親子がSASUKEで紡いだ絆 #川口朋広 #sasuke [youtube-43pL21Aevt4].ass
20240316 [Kizuna of parent and child] The bonds of the child who became away with SASUKE #Tomohiro Kawaguchi #sasuke [youtube-43pL21Aevt4].ass
20240317 - 【第3弾】SASUKE選手に聞きたい100の質問!【③完全制覇のサスケくん 森本裕介編】 [youtube-q-gKg2Xl8Ws].ass
20240317 [Part 3] 100 questions you want to ask SASUKE! [Part 3 Yusuke Morimoto] [youtube-q-gKg2Xl8Ws].ass
20240319 [Women s Strongest] Battle against unknown pressure Ayano Oshima SASUKE2023 1st stage complete version [youtube-sJTWWyxKb6c].ass
20240320 [0 seconds 66 remaining] Former finalist is a persistent clear trampoline performer even though he has lost muscle.Shunyu Nagasaki SASUKE2023 complete version [youtube-mg3HPNVZqdY].ass
20240321 [Two genius junior high school students] Nagano Katamao & Nakajima Yuta What is the future of SASAUKE revealed side by side [youtube-wFrvOx-SbJY].ass
20240322 [Mr. SASUKE] What will be the fate of the 1000th challenger #Katsumi Yamada, who was 36 years old at the time ! [youtube-XeKjkv2M_S0].ass
20240323 Immediately after clearing the game, have a review session! A turning point tournament for the 10th time! A look behind the scenes of Keitaro Yamamoto, the s [One step ahead] [SASUKE2023 1st stage] [youtube-qe8uHF5c66s].ass
20240324 [Strongest vs. Scariest] Even Katsutaro Yamamoto, who is often called the strongest on the 3rd stage , will burst... [SASUKE2023 2nd & 3rd stage] [youtube-HB9Tr307Rpg].ass
20240326 - 【到達率2.07%】ぶっ通しバーティカルリミット完全版① 突起1cmと人類との全記録 [youtube-excS3vJcLfs].ass
20240326 [Achievement rate 2.07 ] Complete Vertical Limit Edition ① Complete record of 1cm protrusion and humanity [youtube-excS3vJcLfs].ass
20240327 [Finally a dream come true] The first complete conqueror in history #Kazuhiko Akiyama s first clear of the 2nd stage was so cool #sasuke #SASUKE2024 [youtube-Gj3kG4Usoq8].ass
20240328 [Best SASUKE Award] SASUKE Award 2023 MVS received a phone call from the principal the day after the broadcast of Nagano Katamaoh! [youtube-t5QgBzL_cG8].ass
20240329 [New project] SASUKE main live commentary We asked announcer Shinya Sugiyama about the divine live commentary! [Part 1 Parts 1 to 20] [youtube-wE6UUd3OP-w].ass
20240330 - 【ひょひょいのひょい】大リニューアルでも問題なし!足元が超不安定でも難なく進む超人 #長野誠 #sasuke #SASUKE2024 [youtube-hCtwWN8mcuw].ass
20240330 [Hyohyoi no Hyoi] No problems even after major renovation! A superman who moves effortlessly even though his feet are extremely unstable #Makoto Nagano #sasuke #SASUKE2024 [youtube-hCtwWN8mcuw].ass
20240401 [Most Crazy Area] Continuous Vertical Limit Complete Edition 2 Evolving 1cm Protrusion [youtube-331G6uB5a6U].ass
20240402 [Nonstop] What a circus artist! Elephant trainer Rene Cassley s movements are so light #SASUKE2023 [youtube-ElOlJmf3wWg].ass
20240403 [ Genius is the fruit of effort] SASUKE love! #Yuta Nakajima, who became a high school student, growth record for 3 years of junior high school #sasuke #SASUKE2024 [youtube-ynzjh2Jmm-4].ass
20240404 [Part 4] 100 Questions to Ask SASUKE Players! [Part 4 Kitagawa Electric Store Manager Masashi Hioki] [youtube-HHucGjYcums].ass
20240405 [Part 5] 100 Questions to Ask SASUKE Players! [5] Yuji Urushibara, Salesperson at Haruta Shoes [youtube-LpA-K1hKA_E].ass
20240406 [6th installment] 100 questions to ask SASUKE wrestlers! [⑥ALTIOR CEO Tomohiro Kawaguchi edition] [youtube-pG70Xn-Zro0].ass
20240409 [Part 2] We asked SASUKE main commentator Shinya Sugiyama for his amazing commentary! [Episodes 21-41] [youtube-E9BCe4VBboM].ass
20240410 [Complete Edition] See all of SASUKE hero Nagano Makoto s past tournament appearances! [youtube-57PXDy_SvoE].ass
20240411 [Great Success] SASUKE s famous sloping wall arrives in the Chugoku region for the first time! A close look at the BSS Festival [youtube-BTim-X97XKA].ass
20240412 [Really a break !] Wait for the second one! The third time #TomohiroMuto vs Sidewinder. The way they took a break was amazing #SamuraiRockOrchestra #SASUKE2024 [youtube-4LtkbyRbZq4].ass
20240413 The 42nd SASUKE2024 tournament will be held! We are looking for participants for the Strongest Challengers to Take on the [Important Notice] [For more information, please visit the program website] [youtube-6Eg1MutCQPs].ass
20240413 [7th installment] 100 questions to ask SASUKE wrestlers! [⑦Mr. SASUKE Katsumi Yamada edition] [youtube-9hLB3xUicds].ass
20240414 [Complete version] New generation leader Yuji Urushibara shows all his past tournament appearances! #sasuke2024 [youtube-KP46MyUctkc].ass
20240416 [The man chosen by the God of SASUKE] The moment a new hero is born! #Yuji Urushibara #sasuke #SASUKE2024 [youtube-bUihPepgg6c].ass
20240417 [Defeat Kyoto University!] A look at the welcome activities of the Tokyo University SASUKE club! New students with strong personalities keep coming #SASUKE2024 [youtube-a5UH6h7pE74].ass
20240418 [New Project] Masashi Hioki talks about the quirky area he fears the most [SASUKE players choice of rival areas Vol.1] [youtube-kcKTledk5nA].ass
20240419 [Spring to 1st year high school] The Black Tigers super rookie s incredible evolution continues! #SASUKE #Nakajima Yuta #High school student [youtube-19XNEnm04uo].ass
20240420 [Part 8] 100 Questions to Ask SASUKE Players! [SASUKE s only ever regular attendee, Shingo Yamamoto] [youtube-zJj5Ev8TuDk].ass
20240421 [Complete version] We ll show you all of the tournaments that the first complete conqueror, Kazuhiko Akiyama, has competed in! [youtube-ILdwFnt3KAg].ass
20240422 [Complete version] We ll show you all of the tournaments that the first complete conqueror, Kazuhiko Akiyama, has competed in! [youtube-qNO2G8_tc5o].ass
20240423 [Black Tigers Super Rookie] Close-up on high school entrance ceremony, he declares his big decision! #SASUKE #Nakajima Yuta [youtube-tBg5OU-1lgw].ass
20240424 [100 Questions to SASUKE Athletes] Parkour Association Chairman Sato Jun #shorts [youtube-BQbfQ5J7x7w].ass
20240424 [Important Announcement] The 2nd SASUKE Koshien will be held! [youtube-0KwTKptcWAw].ass
20240425 [SASUKE Koshien 2023] A festival for high school students who dedicate their youth to SASUKE ~ The path to victory of the first champion, Aoyama Gakuin High School ~ [youtube-ju9YqteHWIE].ass
20240426 [First time] Morimoto generation gathering @ Uchimiya Park Morimoto Tada Yamamoto Araki Sato 1st stage full training #sasuke2024 [youtube-u95beAkgDhw].ass
20240427 [There is a god in the set] Uchimiya Park Director Uchimiya Shuzo s love for the set [youtube-ifXzPNO-w-s].ass
20240428 [What on earth ] SASUKE s Morimoto generation does a mysterious warm-up before joint training! [youtube-VK4_e380QWs].ass
20240429 [Kurotora 2024] The crazy group Kurotora is starting! Mr. Sasuke joins the hellish training camp [youtube-qrR-TWvIl54].ass
20240430 [Detailed explanation] The terrifying tackle that derailed former SASUKE finalist Matachi’s career [youtube-uhc1GWYwB-c].ass
20240501 [100 Questions to SASUKE Players] We asked Yusuke Morimoto, the #SasukeKun, who has conquered the sport! ️ #shorts [youtube-dROghKLair8].ass
20240501 [50 Questions to SASUKE Players] We asked Tatsuya Tada, a Yamagata Prefectural Government employee! ️ #shorts [youtube-sYOWb_DCsx0].ass
20240502 [Rival] Tomohiro Kawaguchi vs. the Slanting Wall The biggest slump a former finalist has ever experienced [youtube-nPzG9rWUvO0].ass
20240503 [100 Questions to SASUKE Players] We asked Kitagawa Electric Store Manager Masashi Hioki‼️#shorts [youtube-Lv16_vylnmE].ass
20240503 [100 Questions to SASUKE Players] We asked Yuji Urushibara, a sales representative at Haruta Shoes! #shorts [youtube-0A_z3xUJZNo].ass
20240504 [100 Questions for SASUKE Players] We asked ALTIOR President Tomohiro Kawaguchi‼️#shorts [youtube-Ajzp2PPcwlE].ass
20240504 [100 Questions to SASUKE Athletes] We asked Mr. SASUKE, Katsumi Yamada‼️ #shorts [youtube-Mg2VmHWOYi0].ass
20240505 [Children s Day Special] SASUKE in the park! Cliff in a four-and-a-half-tatami room! Interview with a super elementary school student! #sasuke2024 [youtube-VvB1ylPktm8].ass
20240506 [Magic] Discovered! The key to conquering Vertical Limit.BRUST! Morimoto generation gathers @ Uchimiya Park [youtube-nlqZLCDx_AU].ass
20240507 [Number 1] The top batter who made Midoriyama excited! The finalist made a comeback and cleared! #Kanno Hitoshi #sasuke [youtube-lm9Qpl52QoQ].ass
20240508 [Mountain climbing] Fundoshi Man Yamashita Yuta s Kyoto University SASUKE club goes mountain climbing as part of a welcome event! [youtube-4h23UsUS_z4].ass
20240509 [Monster Elementary School Student] Cliff in a four-and-a-half-tatami room! Sneaking into SASUKE kids home training! #sasuke2024 #shorts [youtube-ImHYfuNAn7A].ass
20240510 [The temperature at the time was 3 degrees!] The moment #ShingoYamamoto made it to the FINAL for the first time #SASUKE2024 [youtube-KXIh8k6yam4].ass
20240511 [No. 9] 100 Questions to Ask SASUKE Players! [Plumber Ryo Matachi Edition] [youtube-exhf00Wu44I].ass
20240512 [Dead end] The biggest challenge for Black Tiger Ace is the Cliff Dimension [youtube-rHq2xyCblfw].ass
20240514 [The legend returns] The second person in history to complete the tour, Makoto Nagano, talks about the legendary 2006 FINAL stage The view from the top of the sky [youtube-qpMFrAPhesA].ass
20240515 [Live Intro Don!] We tried out a new project with Morimoto s generation... The results were surprising and it was so much fun lol #SASUKE2024 [youtube-iWP4kLN4ktY].ass
20240516 [18-year-old hero!] The high school senior who made Midoriyama excited #Nagasaki Shunyu #SASUKE2024 [youtube-PU_UTQ-s76Q].ass
20240517 [Amazing technique] It s like a factory production line! Morimoto s generation cliff relay #shorts [youtube-XuEN-Zp0-uI].ass
20240518 [Let s Quit SASUKE] Mysterious Loincloth Man What is Yuta Yamashita really thinking His thoughts on the Kyoto University SASUKE Club [youtube-1naol3sTIR4].ass
20240519 [Full Record] This is Mr. SASUKE Yamada Katsumi. We ll show you all of his past tournaments! [youtube-xFJMBM0rJpo].ass
20240521 [World s Octopus Manager] The big event before his 60th birthday! Octopus Manager Minoru Kuramochi goes to pick up the octopus at the finish line! #sasuke2024 [youtube-S6TNtXjVdGY].ass
20240522 [Part 10] 100 Questions to Ask SASUKE Players! [Second Person in History to Complete the Championship, Makoto Nagano] [youtube-0AVCWeaMhz8].ass
20240523 [100 Questions to SASUKE Players] We asked Shingo Yamamoto, the only player to have attended every SASUKE match!! ️#shorts [youtube-WOqi2Rga1xI].ass
20240525 [Dedicated to my biggest fan] #MisterSASUKE, also known as #KatsumiYamada, took on the challenge of the 1st stage with special feelings #sasuke2024 [youtube-GCS302cne8c].ass
20240526 [Transformation] The evolution of Fishbone in the 1st stage balance area #SASUKE2024 [youtube-mySwFtzja2U].ass
20240528 [Part 11] 100 Questions to Ask SASUKE Players! Black Tigers Ace [Yamamoto Yoshiyuki Edition] [youtube-7sKwRph5lT0].ass
20240529 [30 seconds of destiny] To make his childhood dream come true... #RyoMataji #SASUKE2024 [youtube-sEmuRGtrshw].ass
20240531 A speed star is born who overcomes the 53-second difference! [Now accepting applications from schools to participate in the 2nd SASUKE Koshien!! ️] #shorts [youtube-7Yz_IEIje34].ass
20240601 Plumber Ryo Matachi answers with all his might! [100 Questions to SASUKE Players] #shorts [youtube-ggkkyiN2JJE].ass
20240602 [Precious] Looking at the changes in the 1st stage with Shingo Yamamoto, a man who knows all 70 areas #sasuke2024 [youtube-A1FJbK_Jl58].ass
20240603 A junior high school sophomore cleared it! Complete conqueror Makoto Nagano s son, Kamiyao, achieved the feat at the youngest age in history! We followed him with a micro drone [Great Achievement] [youtube-XiqOFFfkZ9g].ass
20240604 [Reiwa Monster] Hayate Kajiwara s speed continues to evolve! He shows off his first stage performance in four consecutive shots! [youtube-DXWBOznQ2Xo].ass
20240605 [Beautiful technique] Mr. Dragon Glider Masashi Hioki - Watch all 7 attempts and see how beautiful it is! [youtube-Wpb5OI3ncTg].ass
20240607 [In a pinch!] Yuji Urushibara faces off against a new area... What will the outcome be [23rd vs Unstable Bridge] #SASUKE #shorts [youtube-hhNp0F0dbsE].ass
20240608 [Tokyo University vs Kyoto University] University SASUKE clubs open the Warring States era with a three-match series! Who will win [youtube-hHaVZAtP2Fw].ass
20240609 [Guts] The muscles are screaming! Sasuke Sensei Suzuki Yusuke VS Drum Hopper #sasuke #shorts [youtube-PVNbwrTXdjw].ass
20240611 [100 Questions to SASUKE Players] We asked #MakotoNagano, the second person to complete the challenge!! ️#shorts [youtube-5LHZiiZLjJ8].ass
20240612 [100 Questions to SASUKE Players] We asked Kurotora s ace #YoshiyukiYamamoto‼️#shorts [youtube-h8mrBV1R4N4].ass
20240614 The Complete History of the First Area of the 1st Stage of the 100 People s Domain (Part 1) [youtube-_n8-ifkwpBY].ass
20240615 [What s wrong!] Can you resist the backflow Tomohiro Kawaguchi VS Backstream #sasuke #shorts [youtube-1Y_ovzyhAY0].ass
20240616 [Dangerous!] Kitagawa Electric Store Manager #Masashi Hioki VS Spider Walk #sasuke #shorts [youtube-GcSVWzacUYs].ass
20240618 The Complete History of the First Area of the First Stage of the 100 People s Domain (Part 2) #SASUKE [youtube-FLPx7YKtpRg].ass
20240619 [Famous Scenes] Memorable scenes you ll want to see again! [Vol.1] [youtube-RvrxYDTPOkM].ass
20240620 [History] Evolution of the 1st area of the 2nd stage #SASUKE [youtube-GAMcMbcSUnA].ass
20240621 [The key is crossing your hands!] Kong, also known as #KenjiTakahashi, shows off a new way to tackle cliffs! #sasuke #sasuke2024 [youtube-yVuZi3tRtD8].ass
20240622 [Famous Scenes] Memorable scenes you ll want to see again! [Vol.2] [youtube-ZjuIXdhf9zs].ass
20240623 - 【東大vs京大】日本一のSASUKEサークルは?サバイバルシャトルラン&1stステージタイムアタック [youtube-4Ergd-RHt48].ass
20240623 [University of Tokyo vs Kyoto University] Which is the best SASUKE club in Japan Survival Shuttle Run & 1st Stage Time Attack [youtube-4Ergd-RHt48].ass
20240625 [Part 12] 100 Questions to Ask SASUKE Players! [Eiko Seminar Lecturer Keitaro Yamamoto Edition] [youtube-xOIwBYuGwLY].ass
20240626 [Shocking] Why don t you use that spot ! Superhuman jumping power and speed David Campbell s 1st stage #sasuke #sasuke2024 #usa [youtube-L1GofMT3QS8].ass
20240627 [Famous Scenes] Memorable scenes you ll want to see again! [Vol.3] #SASUKE [youtube-o28VF7bfw4Y].ass
20240628 [Famous Scenes] Memorable scenes you ll want to see again! [Vol.4] #SASUKE [youtube-9U3avce32Tc].ass
20240629 [History] Changes in the first area of the 3rd stage [youtube-6tCRfj_9k5c].ass
20240630 [Ultra-Maniac] Tokyo University vs Kyoto University SASUKE quiz showdown! [youtube-gMramx0-638].ass
20240702 [Super play from 7 years ago] Super rare footage not shown in the main story! #Atsushi Sato clears the 1st stage with a splendid performance! #sasuke #sasuke2024 #parkour [youtube-gUl_FlMCu2M].ass
20240703 [Famous Scenes] Memorable scenes you ll want to see again! [Vol.5] #SASUKE [youtube--r8ziPwGAVg].ass
20240704 [Famous Scenes] Memorable scenes you ll want to see again! [Vol.6] #SASUKE [youtube-78PDdLtXFyw].ass
20240705 [The Devil s Gate] The 2nd stage that tormented the strongest man in the 3rd stage - 8 and a half years to overcome the devil s gate #SASUKE [youtube-RpcXe6vrYQ0].ass
20240706 [Famous Scenes] Memorable scenes you ll want to see again! [Vol.7] #SASUKE [youtube-FataFOdVTtc].ass
20240707 13 years after his first appearance... Yamagata Prefectural Government star Tatsuya Tada finally gets his ticket to the FINAL stage! #shorts [A dream come true] [#SASUKE 37th Tournament (2019)] [youtube-8GMusQOs36U].ass
20240707 - 【夢を叶えた】初出場から13年…山形県庁の星 多田竜也がついに掴んだFINALステージへの切符!【#SASUKE 第37回大会(2019年)】 #shorts [youtube-8GMusQOs36U].ass
20240709 [Famous Scenes] Memorable scenes you ll want to see again! [Vol.8] #SASUKE [youtube-7sRyKizXckU].ass
20240709 [Japan vs. the World The First-Ever Team Match] SASUKE World Cup 2024 [Wednesday, August 21st at 6 30pm!] [youtube-BKiIf-yDk3E].ass
20240710 [Highlights] Announcer Sugiyama will give a passionate introduction to the SASUKE World Cup 2024 ! [youtube-MZRv9T5MZMQ].ass
20240711 [Participating Team Introduction ① JAPAN Red] Japan s strongest active group! The team s only goal is to win! [SASUKE World Cup 2024 will be broadcast on Wednesday, August 21st at 6 30 pm] [youtube-I9t4rUBZ3WA].ass
20240712 To be the best in the world! Dangerous guys from Germany attack Japan [Participating Team Introduction 2 GERMANY] [SASUKE World Cup 2024 will be broadcast on Wednesday, August 21st at 6 30 pm] [youtube-s_X3ga3E8lA].ass
20240713 Their finger strength is impressive! A group of handsome climbers from Fran [Participating Team Introduction ③ FRANCE] [SASUKE World Cup 2024 will be broadcast on Wednesday, August 21st at 6 30 pm] [youtube-ApPTguP298A].ass
20240714 Complete winner! The best! The first in history! The top players of the American version of SASUKE gather together! Let s become the best in the world [Participating Team Introduction ④ USA] [youtube-HLJCIo99wao].ass
20240715 From a former Olympian gymnast to the youngest player in the tournament! The feelin [Participating Team Introduction 5 Australia] [SASUKE World Cup 2024 will be broadcast on August 21st at 6 30 pm] [youtube-qf_MLxE5gFI].ass
20240716 A luxurious lineup that colors the history of SASUKE! Truly legendary men and women gather at [Participating Team Introduction ⑥ JAPAN Legend] [SASUKE World Cup 2024 Wednesday, August 21, 6 30 pm] [youtube-utfiBTCqzaY].ass
20240717 The best part of this tournament is that it s a team competition! Will that be a blessing or a [Participating Team Introduction ⑦ JAPAN Blue] [SASUKE World Cup 2024 Wednesday, August 21st, 6 30pm] [youtube-y29s_k0h8dk].ass
20240717 Will the fusion of the SASUKE new generation and the momentum-building Snow Man s Hikaru Iwamo [Participating Team Introduction ⑦ JAPAN Blue] [SASUKE World Cup 2024 Wednesday, August 21, 6 30 p.m.] [youtube-s1VnhsQjEJk].ass
20240718 [Challenge to be the best in the world] SASUKE legends come together in a dream team TEAM JAPAN Legend Kane Kosugi [SASUKE World Cup 2024, Wednesday, August 21, 6 30 p.m.] [youtube-i3J3l3AwLWI].ass
20240719 [Legend Returns] Former No. 1 Female Athlete in the Entertainment Industry, Yuko Mizuno, Takes on SASUKE for the First Time in 19 Years [SASUKE World Cup 2024, Wednesday, August 21, 6 30pm] [youtube-hX5N5QQL2bU].ass
20240720 [JAPAN Blue] Snow Man Hikaru Iwamoto s passionate thoughts on the World Cup [SASUKE World Cup 2024 August 21 (Wednesday) 6 30pm] [youtube-RgBYHLNPJEU].ass
20240720 [Second promotional video released👏] SASUKE World Cup 2024 will be broadcast on Wednesday, August 21st at 6 30 pm [youtube-cv4QVptDx9Y].ass
20240721 [Complete Record] The only man who knows everything about SASUKE, Shingo Yamamoto, shows us all of his past tournaments! [youtube--HCKvJFWRNM].ass
20240721 {[email protected]} [youtube--HCKvJFWRNM].ass
20240722 [American version of SASUKE complete conqueror] USA ace Daniel Gil arrives in Japan with great anticipation for the SASUKE World Cup [youtube-K76t6VTzwBU].ass
20240723 [To my mother in heaven] 58-year-old Katsumi Yamada takes to the world stage wearing the Japanese flag for the first time [SASUKE World Cup 2024, Wednesday, August 21, 6 30 p.m.] [youtube-GMSa8AvyS0M].ass
20240724 [JAPAN Red] The strongest man in the 3rd stage, Keitaro Yamamoto, puts his life on the line in the SASUKE challenge [SASUKE World Cup 2024, Wednesday, August 21, 6 30 p.m.] [youtube-Ga92rIDsVu0].ass
20240725 [JAPAN Blue] The man who continues to evolve, the playmaker Tomohiro Kawaguchi [SASUKE World Cup 2024 Wednesday, August 21st, 6 30pm] [youtube-76rG7ynmTFI].ass
20240726 [A challenge for those with an average age of 50] Makoto Nagano s hellish training and top form! Shingo Yamamoto [SASUKE World Cup 2024, Wednesday, August 21st, 6 30pm] [youtube-J_br_bnvq34].ass
20240727 [JAPAN Blue] Joint Training The Strongest Trump Card [SASUKE World Cup 2024 August 21 (Wednesday) 6 30pm] [youtube-WlZpRm0ruWo].ass
20240728 [JAPAN Red] Strongest champion Yusuke Morimoto sets off towards his long-cherished dream of becoming the best in SASUKE [SASUKE World Cup 2024, Wednesday, August 21, 6 30 p.m.] [youtube-VQpi_4VZzTY].ass
20240729 [Sasuke-kun] JAPAN Red training camp Captain Morimoto s determination to be the best in the world [SASUKE World Cup 2024, Wednesday, August 21, 6 30 p.m.] [youtube-ZnypC3pNTdM].ass
20240730 [JAPAN Legend] Kane Kosugi s last practice before the SASUKE World Cup His fighting power remains undiminished even at age 49 [SASUKE World Cup 2024, Wednesday, August 21, 6 30 p.m.] [youtube-bwJcVuN-Pns].ass
20240731 [Rare footage] Behind the scenes of the World Cup A close look at Sasuke, Hikaru Iwamoto and others making posters! [youtube-GxMcHS5ZJ3g].ass
20240801 [Dark Horse! ] The day before the tournament, the true faces of the unique French members are revealed! [SASUKE World Cup 2024, Wednesday, August 21, 6 30 p.m.] [youtube-prfJEOStbP4].ass
20240802 [JAPAN Blue] 46-year-old Captain Yuji Urushibara s super hard training Part 1 [SASUKE World Cup 2024 August 21 (Wednesday) 6 30 pm] [youtube-n_F7vLnJLW4].ass
20240803 [JAPAN Blue] Snow Man s Hikaru Iwamoto is ready for the fierce battle - Super intensive training camp part 2 [SASUKE World Cup 2024 August 21 (Wednesday) 6 30 pm] [youtube-nOee6PXEotU].ass
20240803 [Snow Man Hikaru Iwamoto] JAPAN Blue s ultra-strong training camp to win the World Cup, Part 1 [SASUKE World Cup 2024, Wednesday, August 21, 6 30 p.m.] [youtube-8l6T3Tx9THY].ass
20240804 [Behind the Scenes of KISUKE] Ravit! A lot happened behind the scenes of the live performance lol [youtube-oo5UqaHz2l4].ass
20240804 [JAPAN Blue] SASUKE s Strongest Captain, 46 Years Old, Yuji Urushibara, Challenges His Limits, Part 2 [SASUKE World Cup 2024, Wednesday, August 21st, 6 30pm] [youtube-u4Ok9fZGfa4].ass
20240805 [Summer SASUKE to be held] Sledding wall experience & trophy exhibition! Lots of official merchandise available [SASUKE World Cup 2024 Wednesday, August 21st, 6 30pm] [youtube-OLNN8VbSRC0].ass
20240806 German championship candidate arrives at the holy land of Midoriyama! Close coverage on the day before the showdo [World s biggest favorite] [SASUKE World Cup 2024, Wednesday, August 21, 6 30 p.m.] [youtube-F1dmW7FXMkk].ass
20240807 USA athletes set foot in the long-awaited land of Midoriyama for the first time! Excitement is uncontrollable [First time at Midoriyama] [SASUKE World Cup 2024, Wednesday, August 21, 6 30 p.m.] [youtube-mgFeGHC2Tc8].ass
20240807 [2 weeks left!] Japan vs. the World The first ever team match, SASUKE World Cup 2024 [August 21st (Wednesday) at 6 30pm!] #Shorts #SASUKE #ninjawarrior #WorldCup [youtube-Fyrk3oHM_64].ass
20240808 [JAPAN Red] Yusuke Morimoto and Yoshiyuki Yamamoto attempt the most difficult challenge in history to become world champions [SASUKE World Cup 2024, Wednesday, August 21, 6 30 p.m.] [youtube-uIhJ4FvqQFs].ass
20240809 [Isshō] Blue is too busy with too many titles! Stay tuned until the broadcast date to find out the order of races [SASUKE World Cup 2024 Wednesday, August 21st, 6 30pm] [youtube-BjovST4nce4].ass
20240810 [2nd year in a row] SASUKE Tour in Okinawa 2024! A big sports day on the beach in Okinawa with legends such as Katsumi Yamada! [youtube-SlYreomRl7s].ass
20240811 [The day of the fateful battle] The lucky item that will lead France to victory was discovered! [SASUKE World Cup 2024, Wednesday, August 21, 6 30 p.m.] [youtube-Jjj0U2i7kSs].ass
20240811 [The Queen is back] #Yuko Mizuno has incredible courage and determination!! [August 21st (Wednesday) 6 30pm!] #Shorts #SASUKE #ninjawarrior #WorldCup [youtube-bgU4nyQCPFQ].ass
20240812 Captain Sasuke is also proud of JAPAN Red, and their only goal is to win! Close coverage on the day before and the day o [Strongest members] [SASUKE World Cup 2024, Wednesday, August 21, 6 30 p.m.] [youtube-EO5PvcLRar4].ass
20240812 [TEAM GERMANY] German team interviews all revealed‼️[SASUKE World Cup 2024 Wednesday, August 21st, 6 30pm] [youtube-URNgTLUPfT8].ass
20240813 [TEAM JAPAN Legend] Interviews with the Japanese Legend Team all revealed! [SASUKE World Cup 2024 August 21 (Wednesday) 6 30pm] [youtube-9IykuMAyFts].ass
20240813 [TEAM JAPAN Legend] Interviews with the Japanese Legend Team all revealed! [SASUKE World Cup 2024 August 21 (Wednesday) 6 30pm] [youtube-hEHCSG6hBWw].ass
20240813 [Welcome back to the strongest queen] #Yuko Mizuno is back after 19 years! Let s replay the #SASUKE challenge from 19 years ago when Mizuno was 22 years old at the time! [youtube--OnQRu0btKU].ass
20240814 [TEAM FRANCE] Interviews with the French national team all revealed! [SASUKE World Cup 2024, Wednesday, August 21, 6 30 p.m.] [youtube-US4xIce2hQo].ass
20240814 [Towards becoming the best in the world] Behind the scenes of Germany, the favorite to win the tournament, on the day of the event [SASUKE World Cup 2024, Wednesday, August 21, 6 30pm] [youtube-6dsxkMokQ7A].ass
20240815 [TEAM JAPAN Blue] Interviews with Japan s legendary team all revealed! [SASUKE World Cup 2024 August 21 (Wednesday) 6 30pm] [youtube-z_J_cJNjd8w].ass
20240815 [TEAM USA] Interviews with the American team revealed! [SASUKE World Cup 2024, Wednesday, August 21, 6 30 p.m.] [youtube-gqwCBPCMJfE].ass
20240815 [TEAM USA] Interviews with the US national team all revealed! [SASUKE World Cup 2024, Wednesday, August 21, 6 30 p.m.] [youtube-S24FKEf6uWw].ass
20240816 Legendary players who have made their mark in SASUKE history team up to take on the first ever world championship! [Close up on the Legends] [SASUKE World Cup 2024 Wednesday, August 21, 6 30pm] [youtube-oNcI7xUlQGk].ass
20240817 [All the best] An up-close look at the amazing USA athletes on the day of the tournament! [SASUKE World Cup 2024, Wednesday, August 21, 6 30pm] [youtube-MSzJsOAzf5g].ass
20240817 [TEAM AUSTRALIA] Australian team interviews all revealed‼️[SASUKE World Cup 2024 Wednesday, August 21st, 6 30pm] [youtube-KNL-v-WNfHs].ass
20240818 [Fusion] The unity of these extremely strong personalities is what makes this team strong... ! [SASUKE World Cup 2024, Wednesday, August 21, 6 30 p.m.] [youtube-6fF1DO4Rjvw].ass
20240818 [TEAM JAPAN Red] All interviews with the Japan Red team revealed! [SASUKE World Cup 2024, Wednesday, August 21, 6 30 p.m.] [youtube-umwymrdxiuQ].ass
20240819 [Super optimistic] Are you READY The race order has been decided! This team is No. 1 in the desire to enjoy SASUKE! [SASUKE World Cup 2024 Wednesday, August 21st, 6 30pm] [youtube-7iUmz6nRq8Q].ass
20240819 [The final will be held on Wednesday, the 21st at 6 30 pm] All Japanese team players will be seen entering the ring at once! [SASUKE World Cup 2024] [youtube-axBkHDGPt8g].ass
20240820 [Sasuke-kun] Champion Morimoto s JAPAN Red The road to becoming number one in the world [youtube-k4F6J4-IJRE].ass
20240820 [The final will be held on Wednesday the 21st at 6 30pm] The entrance of players from the USA, Germany, France and Australia teams will be shown all at once! [SASUKE World Cup 2024] [youtube-5qbMne3jrIA].ass
20240821 [Barking Man] Sasuke, the strongest active player, barked! He barked at the cliff! [JAPAN Red #Yusuke Morimoto] [youtube-4f9juSvCbPE].ass
20240821 [Beautiful technique] Backflip on a sloping wall! Olympian impresses in first SASUKE performance [Australia #oliviavivian] [youtube-fPJyOBgo73I].ass
20240821 [LIVE] SASUKE World Cup 2024 Live Talk Special Pre-Broadcast [Tweet with #SASUKEWorldCup2024!] [youtube-sJ8Uaq7N7sM].ass
20240821 [LIVE] SASUKE World Cup Live Talk Special [youtube-G8hFggReGl8].ass
20240821 [What s up⁉︎] I was stunned by the unexpected performance... What on earth happened⁉︎ [Australia #AshlinHerbert] [youtube-cVLeDvBIvJI].ass
20240821 SASUKE official YouTube updated daily! [youtube-bKKEqKxyjF8].ass
20240822 [Unaired on terrestrial TV] Midoriyama right after recording of SASUKE World Cup 2024 [youtube-UaeM3dRF0IE].ass
20240823 [Roar of the Champion] The Supreme Realm Morimoto 3rd Complete Edition Behind the Scenes of JAPAN Red s Great Comeback [youtube-4HNsUqV7jdo].ass
20240823 [Still alive] This man has the fastest time in the first round of the SASUKE World Cup 2024! Black Tiger Ace has the speed to compete on a global scale [JAPAN Red Yoshiyuki Yamamoto] [youtube-9vNTpbNhTWo].ass
20240824 [Not shown on terrestrial TV] Women who are as invincible as men! USA captain Jesse Grubb s 1st stage complete edition [SASUKE World Cup 2024] [youtube-NHaR917Ofg8].ass
20240824 [Overwhelming] The body movements of the complete conqueror are amazing [France #ClémentGravier] #SASUKE #ninjawarrior [youtube-eeJZ8Y4mzI0].ass
20240825 [First Release] Behind the Scenes of How the Order of the Players for the Special 2nd Stage was Determined [SASUKE World Cup 2024] [youtube-jshgu3LAE9I].ass
20240825 [Technician] It doesn t matter if he s shaking! The finalists are strong even at the last minute [JAPAN Blue #Tomohiro Kawaguchi] #SASUKE #ninjawarrior [youtube-acBniafETYw].ass
20240826 [TRYOUT] SASUKE tryouts to be held! ️ Gather all your passionate heroes for SASUKE [youtube-TFLFbemLwg4].ass
20240826 [Wow!!] The world s superhumans were amazing! 4 consecutive surprising plays that exceeded our expectations #SASUKE World Cup 2024 [youtube-bZKH2vIYFM8].ass
20240827 [Full Version] SASUKE World Cup 2024 Behind the Scenes of the Fierce Final Stage [youtube-3ilm90WV0ao].ass
20240828 [Camera 2] Various cameras capture the moment Japan Red won [SASUKE World Cup 2024] #shorts [youtube-qke58QujZj4].ass
20240828 [Camera 3] Various cameras capture the moment Japan Red won [SASUKE World Cup 2024] #shorts [youtube-xRXym2ZypCU].ass
20240828 [Camera ①] Various cameras capture the moment Japan Red won [SASUKE World Cup 2024] #shorts [youtube-Qimgdnj97bg].ass
20240828 [Fastest in the world] Superhuman speed! Top 5 SASUKE World Cup speed clears [youtube-vgZYNrX1FKI].ass
20240829 [Humanity vs. the Craziest] Morimoto vs. Burst Complete Record Captured by 22 Cameras [youtube-XV-GSXcume0].ass
20240830 [Who is the king of food reviews !] SASUKE event held at Isetan Urawa [Birch and Cliff s first visit] [youtube-3KJRiqENgFU].ass
20240831 [Excitement] Sneaking into the commentary booth! Sugiyama s World Cup commentary [youtube-NBRd-AwM9eA].ass
20240901 [World Cup Playback] Remembering the days of the number 100, the final performance of the first stage was a blast! Complete winner Makoto Nagano looks back on the World Cup! [youtube-80cSLJx3xx4].ass
20240902 [Demonic pressure] JAPAN Blue captain Yuji Urushibara looks back on the 1st stage [youtube-19vq26Izx5Y].ass
20240903 [Not shown on terrestrial TV] Behind the scenes of France s dramatic first stage success [youtube-l7kQIrujl_8].ass
20240903 [World s Strongest] I followed Sasuke-kun with a drone camera [SASUKE World Cup 2024] #sasuke [youtube-dYoH0QIDOYs].ass
20240904 [The threatening fishbone] Japanese fishbone that swallowed up foreign forces [youtube-U6Y3-Uy7M74].ass
20240905 [Overwhelming] The strength of the Aussie team, who just enjoy SASUKE, was incredible! [SASUKE World Cup 2024] [youtube-Ubq1yZIeN9I].ass
20240905 Vertical Burst [youtube-0bjYte092Hc].ass
20240906 [Japan Red World No. 1 Victory Party] The five strongest active members of Japan Red look back on the SASUKE World Cup! P1 [youtube-L_GaknUIDS8].ass
20240907 [Dramatic comeback] Sasuke-kun saves Japan Red from a difficult situation. He reveals his feelings during the tense 3rd stage! SASUKE World Cup World No. 1 Japan Red victory celebration, P2 [youtube-t1z00CUrUcI].ass
20240908 [Rivalry of the Warlords] Foreign Forces vs. Cliff Aerial Showdown with a Reach Rate of 68.75 [youtube-_c-uAZojS5c].ass
20240909 [Friends were shocked] French nobleman Illian Cherif s amazing strategy to conquer Rolling Hill [youtube-oFrmW2Gfo74].ass
20240910 [Perfect] Blue s key player, Tomohiro Kawaguchi, overcame the pressure in the first stage [SASUKE World Cup 2024] [youtube-JSBs08zXUrg].ass
20240911 [LIVE] SASUKE Idol Preliminaries - Battle for the Right to Qualify - ★Live Announcement of Female Idols★ [youtube-NirMUY4i9Ps].ass
20240911 [New Project] Katsumi Yamada is the first person to set up a SASUKE player in his life! Happy Surprise! P1 [youtube-TQ_s5K23fQ4].ass
20240912 [P2] First conversation between Katsumi Yamada and Bookstore Award-winning author Mina Miyajima! Mr. SASUKE talks about the future [SASUKE players go on a happy surprise!] [youtube-DutFUXpzmSA].ass
20240913 Mr. SASUKE Katsumi Yamada takes on the challenge of being a prankster! The target is the Bookstore Award-winning author Mina Miyajima #Naruse is going to take over the worl [First time in my life] [youtube-cZU5mD_dhJw].ass
20240913 [Unyielding Man] Daniel Gil, the American version of SASUKE, who pushed on for his team despite injury, complete winner, 1st Stage Complete Edition [youtube-j-VvV0ztDCU].ass
20240914 [Uncut] Eh!! The world-famous Morimoto in a digest! Complete version of the 1st stage (with commentary by the man himself) [SASUKE World Cup 2024] [youtube-Aud5PEXYDEc].ass
20240915 [Unexpected ending] Germany, one of the favorites to win, is defeated! Complete 1st stage [SASUKE World Cup 2024] [youtube-ZRg4JUUGH-4].ass
20240916 [Unexpected] What happened to the strongest elephant trainer! German ace #ReneCathly... #sasuke #sasukeWorldCup2024 #germany [youtube-yr2YjHZDkOA].ass
20240917 [Tricky] I never thought the twin diamonds would hurt my legs so much... First batter Shingo Yamamoto regrets his retirement [SASUKE World Cup 2024] [youtube-cWZBI5y7Msc].ass
20240918 [Direct from Iwamoto] Swing Edge Strategy A Look Back at the 3rd Stage of Yuji Urushibara [SASUKE World Cup 2024] [youtube-KrNm1TcQkzk].ass
20240919 【新証言】あの時王者・森本に何が! 「あそこには凶悪な仕掛けが…」 [youtube-1MhEkgN8Dp4].ass
20240920 [The whole world was moved] 52-year-old Makoto Nagano s physical abilities were amazing! #sasukeWorldCup2024 [youtube-LCZkgnDToKM].ass
20240921 [Excitement and emotion once again] The first ever World Cup viewing party! [SASUKE World Cup 2024 viewing party] 1st stage edition [youtube-suQukmQ3JnY].ass
20240922 [Internal conflict breaks out] Kawaguchi and Heki argue in the fierce battle to advance to the FINAL! [SASUKE World Cup viewing party] 2nd & 3rd edition [youtube-d-skEYhaeL8].ass
20240923 [The pride of the fastest king] Yoshiyuki, who aims for the fastest clear, vs. Sasuke, who is desperate for a sure clear SASUKE World Cup 1st Stage Yoshiyuki Yamamoto Complete Edition [youtube-V3Ep-AfLg04].ass
20240924 [Big Viewing Party FINAL] So cool! Everyone from around the world is in love with Morimoto [SASUKE World Cup 2024] [youtube-dNUVH1tqI2s].ass
20240924 [Rematch after 6 years] Tomohiro Kawaguchi vs. the improved Cliff, on his way to a complete comeback [youtube-eJAnBIe8PiI].ass
20240925 [Race 1] 🇫🇷Complete winner Clement × 🇺🇸Weather forecaster Joe [SASUKE World Cup 2024 2nd Stage] [youtube-ZDEXppT64bE].ass
20240925 [Race 2] Two Japanese competitors clash! Finalist Tatsuya Tada vs. 3rd-round regular Masashi Hioki [SASUKE World Cup 2024 2nd Stage] [youtube-CpQZ0glAPjA].ass
20240925 [Race 3] 🇦🇺Perfect Attendance Award Winner Daniel × 🇫🇷Parkour World Champion Charles [SASUKE World Cup 2024 2nd Stage] [youtube-XA-G-N6I7RA].ass
20240925 [Race 4] Japanese and American finalists compete! 🇺🇸R.J. Roman × 🇯🇵Yoshiyuki Yamamoto [SASUKE World Cup 2024 2nd Stage] [youtube-KaRMJcs74SY].ass
20240925 [Race 5] 🇯🇵Finalist Tomohiro Kawaguchi × 🇦🇺Ashlynn Daiku [SASUKE World Cup 2024 2nd Stage] [youtube-fq2wAJuy7bM].ass
20240926 [Black Tigers Absolute Ace] Yoshiyuki Yamamoto challenges for the Japanese modern pentathlon team! P1 of the road to the Los Angeles Olympics #SASUKE2024 [youtube-AI8qhHme0G0].ass
20240926 [Super fast clear] Parkour Association President #Atsushi Sato s impressive fastest clear! Speedsters are really fast! #SASUKE #SASUKE2024 [youtube-DbDE4TceAbY].ass
20240927 [3 years ago...] Cleared the 1st stage Nakajima Yuta, reveals his training session right after joining the Kurotora team [SASUKE Junior Cup] [youtube-7Co0f3kVgsg].ass
20240927 [Carpenter] Chasing an Australian speedster with a drone [SASUKE World Cup 2024] #sasuke #shorts [youtube-CIaClqEnxYM].ass
20240927 [New project launched] SASUKE Junior Cup participants recruitment begins! Gather together, boys and girls! [youtube-y85UOdhYBDs].ass
20240928 [Shocking] We followed an Olympian with a drone and found that his climbing technique on a sloping wall was extremely unusual! [SASUKE World Cup 2024] #sasuke #shorts [youtube-pGWU7-IaIdw].ass
20240928 [The Strongest Electrician] We followed Captain Kirikomi with a drone [SASUKE World Cup 2024] #SASUKE #shorts [youtube-IriwX3SprkU].ass
20240929 [Around 50] Two-time perfect winner Yuji Urushibara s determined cliff [SASUKE World Cup 2024] #sasuke #ninjawarrior [youtube-wxF9CT0NMA8].ass
20240930 [Fastest King] Not only the 1st stage but also the 2nd stage was the fastest! SASUKE World Cup Playback 2nd 3rd Stage Yoshiyuki Yamamoto [youtube-xYPLSxn4e2c].ass
20241001 [Blue Bonds] Tomohiro Kawaguchi sheds tears... His thoughts on leader Yuji Urushibara [SASUKE World Cup 2024] [youtube--Hb_DhDse1U].ass
20241002 [Extremely nervous] The strongest man in the 3rd stage is extremely nervous about his first appearance on the Japanese flag [SASUKE World Cup 2024] [youtube-X1J1UjoPD2w].ass
20241003 [Dad did it] SASUKE2011 Makoto Nagano cleared the 1st stage for the first time in 4 tournaments (39 years old at the time) #sasuke [youtube-Fx8rW--Ab8k].ass
20241004 [New Testimony 2] Amazing Synchronicity! Next time, I want to show a real final [SASUKE World Cup 2024] [youtube-sDQwtshblbo].ass
20241004 [World Cup FINAL] Yusuke Morimoto x Shinya Sugiyama #sasuke #sasukeWorld Cup 2024 [youtube-o6asVYfd0KQ].ass
20241005 [A sign of confidence] Of course, the order was decided by rock-paper-scissors! No matter who plays, we have the strength to win #SASUKEWorldCup2024 [youtube-wHZuBzHYPMk].ass
20241006 [Hidden Strength] It s not just about enjoying SASUKE! The hidden strength of Aussie is packed with their charm #SASUKEWorldCup2024 [youtube-zp7PhakMOLM].ass
20241007 [A first in SASUKE history] What are the paper rings that supported the World Cup behind the scenes [SASUKE World Cup 2024 Behind the scenes] [youtube-J2_mhIJFHQM].ass
20241008 [Not shown on terrestrial TV] Watch the US team s 2nd and 3rd stages in one go! [SASUKE World Cup 2024] [youtube-LW5dd81jr-A].ass
20241009 [Dangerous‼️] What new facts were revealed in slow-motion footage of the Dragon Glider⁉️ JAPAN Blue s top batter Masashi Hioki s 1st stage [#SASUKE World Cup 2024 Playback] [youtube-gRxXaQ5z-MA].ass
20241010 [The Fastest Man in SASUKE History] The Road to the Los Angeles Olympics P2 Yoshiyuki Yamamoto s New Future [youtube-pZ11m51t-v8].ass
20241011 [Full Record] We ll show you all of the tournaments that Kane Kosugi has competed in, making him a legend in every aspect of history! [youtube-SY-zBNB0Ouw].ass
20241011 [Tragedy] The unexpected pitfalls of the strongest man on the 3rd stage - thoroughly analyzed by the man himself [youtube-rOcD0Zilmc4].ass
20241013 [Captain in the hands of his fate] We followed #Yusuke Morimoto s 3rd stage of the #sasukeworldcup2024 with a drone camera #sasuke #sasuke2024 [youtube-jTkUxdN40nc].ass
20241014 [Roaring] German speedster Benjamin Grams tackle [SASUKE World Cup 2024] #sasuke [youtube-FvAAJPpTE4c].ass
20241015 [Average age 50] Age doesn t matter! Legends show their determination! SASUKE World Cup Kane Kosugi & Yuko Mizuno Complete Edition [youtube-6jzq4ogxRKg].ass
20241016 [1.5 million subscribers] I learned the secret to YouTube success from a former French climbing champion #sasuke [youtube-xtDhBPNT9jc].ass
20241016 [All cameras] Clement s Twin Diamond - All shown! #sasuke [youtube-XUrhwMKUqis].ass
20241016 [French nobleman] I followed Irian Cherif with a drone! #sasuke #SASUKE World Cup 2024 [youtube-8MKGyxmTKgc].ass
20241016 [French nobleman] I tried chasing Irian Cherif with a drone! #sasuke [youtube-awZYSeAJCHA].ass
20241017 Trampoline player Nagasaki Shunyu makes his first appearance on official YouTube location! He visits the hero of the old Inba Village, whom he regards as his mentor! After 19 years, [Reunion] (P1) [youtube-v6mjv9lvMw4].ass
20241018 [Hero of Inba Village] SASUKE All-Star Bunpei Shiratori s one-legged jump hang on his first appearance [2002 9th tournament] #shorts [youtube-5AHVX1V42KU].ass
20241019 Was the second stage actually dangerous ! Masashi Hioki, manager of Kitagawa Electric, who was the first to wear a harness in SASUKE, looks back on the [My leg...] [#SASUKE World Cup 2024 Playback] [youtube-DZ5EatkOl5U].ass
20241020 [Promise made with a friend] Looking back on the SASUKE 2024 World Cup, two-time finalist Tatsuya Tada and Yusuke Morimoto s promise [youtube-S1FuNquxWMg].ass
20241021 [Master and disciple] Watching over the cliff of Black Tigers absolute ace #YoshiyukiYamamoto #MisterSASUKE #SASUKEWorldCup2024 [youtube-ZqOq_A9xrBY].ass
20241022 [New Project] An interesting game about player history! Will the Sorting Quiz be a success on the first try ~Yamada Katsumi Edition~ [youtube-bErjDl2t3uc].ass
20241023 [An interesting game about the history of players] The birth of a trio with a great combination! Rearrangement quiz ~Masashi Hioki edition~ #SASUKE [youtube-4AWppIgWF9o].ass
20241024 [The Fastest Man in SASUKE History] The Road to the Los Angeles Olympics Part 3 Yoshiyuki Yamamoto on the Dream Stage of the Obstacle Japan Championships [youtube-qFjoHZi_ARs].ass
20241025 [Just one centimeter more...] Discover a hint for conquering the sloping wall! Looking back at the SASUKE World Cup ~ Ayano Oshima Edition 1st & 3rd Stage ~ [youtube-onZgun3wcfM].ass
20241027 [Rapid advance] Midoriyama appeared on the 3rd stage of the flying loincloth man #Yuta Yamashita! [41st tournament] #sasuke2023 [youtube-x0T5eXwmdSU].ass
20241028 [Experience] Experience the first stage of SASUKE2023! Here s what the athletes are looking at [youtube-HyXebOmLpmg].ass
20241029 [An interesting game about the history of players] Rearrangement quiz ~Yuji Urushibara edition~ #SASUKE2024 [youtube-inKsVujA63k].ass
20241030 [Full version] We ll show you the entire 2nd stage! ⚠️ Be careful of the volume! [SASUKE World Cup 2024] [youtube-JdRBuMbBte4].ass
20241031 Nagasaki Shunyu makes his first appearance on official YouTube location shoot! He visits his mentor, Shiratori Bunpei, a hero of the old Inba village! After getting their minds and b [Reunion] (P2) [youtube-9R14VMe7JjA].ass
20241101 [A fun game about the history of players] SASUKE love explodes! Will you be able to complete the quiz too Rearrangement quiz ~ Morimoto Yusuke edition ~ [youtube-DtGej_rxjH4].ass
20241102 [SASUKE 2023 Qualifiers] The most difficult obstacle stands in the way, more difficult than complete domination [PLAYBACK① 5] [youtube-ux7yJxXK154].ass
20241103 [SASUKE 2023 Qualifiers] Pushing past one s limits! The tough second stage begins [PLAYBACK② 5] [youtube-QYhAaEWOb2s].ass
20241104 [SASUKE 2023 Qualifiers] The third stage is a one-on-one match! A clash of wills...Masashi Hioki is moved to tears by the guts of the middle school students [PLAYBACK③ 5] [youtube-_qq0HUrVV8U].ass
20241105 [SASUKE 2023 Qualifiers] Just one more move! Just one more second! The ultimate one-on-one match that will decide the world [PLAYBACK④ 5] [youtube-z53WPMrE4hk].ass
20241106 [SASUKE 2023 Qualifiers] High-level finale! The last stage where 11 people take on the challenge was a series of comebacks [PLAYBACK⑤ 5] [youtube-Lc2sxNhE39Y].ass
20241107 [SASUKE Idol Preliminaries] Streaming starts on Monday, November 25th! All 12 participating idols reveal their enthusiasm! [youtube-YTpoLaN6YzQ].ass
20241108 [Black Tigers Absolute Ace] Road to the Los Angeles Olympics Part 4 Yoshiyuki Yamamoto challenges himself to intensive training for the most important event, swimming [youtube-SnXBcdSBxjw].ass
20241109 [Memory Game] New game is a big hit! How good are the memories of SASUKE players [youtube-VV4oPzMFd3w].ass
20241110 [SASUKE Tryouts] Streaming begins on TVer on Wednesday, November 13th! Introducing the participants who dream of competing in the SASUKE finals! #SASUKE2024Tryouts [youtube-JZBexjOqjh8].ass
20241111 [Black Tigers absolute ace] Road to the Los Angeles Olympics, Part 5 Medalist shows Yoshiyuki Yamamoto how to swim the crawl faster, leaving him in ecstasy! [youtube-sDOBAcEHjXQ].ass
20241112 [Must-see for fans] The explosive birth of Sasuke-kun figure! #SASUKE2024 [youtube-5pI5K_YArk4].ass
20241113 [SASUKE2024 Representative Tournament] The toughest representative tournament in the history of the crazy group Kurotora begins #SASUKE2024 [youtube-l219d7Jq7OY].ass
20241113 ukka #Yuki Rina is enthusiastic about the [SASUKE Idol Qualifying Tournament] and #Serizawa Moa came to support her! [youtube-p0kcIdtgiHE].ass
20241114 [Black Tiger Representative Championship 2024] The toughest Black Tiger Representative Championship in history begins! #SASUKE2024 [youtube-bZ56pp0QNEM].ass
20241114 AKB48 s #Masaichi Mayu is enthusiastic about the [SASUKE Idol Qualifying Tournament] and #Yamazaki Sora rushes to support her! [youtube-pmUktZ3Xg_k].ass
20241115 [The crazy group Black Tigers ] The ultimate battle between the strongest warriors to compete in SASUKE, P2 #SASUKE2024 [youtube-N8b5dx4P7Uc].ass
20241115 SKE48 s #MikiIto is enthusiastic about the [SASUKE Idol Qualifying Tournament] and #MioNishii is there to support her! [youtube-JUBdYYmqkzA].ass
20241116 [Black Tiger Championship 2024] Men who risk their lives for SASUKE The shocking final battle #SASUKE2024 [youtube-Bv_17cXb7P0].ass
20241116 NGT48 s #ReinaSeishi is enthusiastic about the SASUKE Idol Qualifying Tournament. #MarinaNishigata is also there to support her! #sasuke2024 [youtube-Pcu7gTvZOms].ass
20241117 [Ban Nakamura] Breaking Down warrior Ban Nakamura attacks SASUKE! Unheard of! Losing his temper while doing push-ups! [youtube-zVpUInrdLmg].ass
20241117 [Who will win the right to participate !] Public auditions for the 42nd SASUKE tournament will be held! #SASUKE2024 [youtube-QyD1DHZ1x3w].ass
20241117 Private Ebisu Junior High School s #Kazami Waka is excited about the SASUKE Idol Preliminary Rounds, and #Sakurai Ema is cheering her on! #Ebichu [youtube-0UFgdM0di0Q].ass
20241118 [Information lifted] The first ever SASUKE Christmas showdown🎄 #Hikaru Iwamoto #Takahiro Hamada #Yoshitaka Hara #Rinne Suda #Ryoichi Tsukada [youtube-Z1X20NBKapU].ass
20241118 [SASUKE 42nd Tournament] December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm ~ First ever Christmas showdown!! #SASUKE2024 #ChristmasisSASUKE [youtube-NYUcfzsRUmA].ass
20241118 [Ten people, ten different types] This year s Talent Audition is here again, with a string of unique personalities appearing! #SASUKE2024 [youtube-HM6YvspwAbg].ass
20241118 SWEET STEADY s #Mayumi Shiraishi is enthusiastic about the SASUKE Idol Qualifying Tournament. #Rise Shiokawa is also there to support her! #Suisute [youtube-XejWdqQxJTc].ass
20241119 [Goods with reverse order🎅] Original SASUKE goods are on sale again this year! #ChristmasisSASUKE #SASUKE2024 [youtube-U6rPLIBVvnA].ass
20241119 [MAX joins SASUKE!] REINA from MAX, who has appeared in the Red and White Song Battle five times, made it through the auditions to join the show! [youtube-5KTrj1KxTCw].ass
20241119 Super Tokimeki♡Publicity Department #Kanami Tsujino is the cutest! Taking on the SASUKE Idol Qualifiers! #Hiyori Yoshikawa is also cheering her on! #SASUKE2024 [youtube-OEa_7I6bDIY].ass
20241120 [New project launched] A special project by SASUKE-loving member Takuji Tanaka of Ungirls! Streaming every Thursday from tomorrow at 5pm [4 episodes in total] #SASUKE #shorts #KDDI [youtube-qxrUnk0BVzc].ass
20241120 [TT Brothers take part] Searching for T in Midoriyama! Close-up on their first SASUKE challenge [#SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] #Christmas is SASUKE [youtube-DB3T23SJH6s].ass
20241120 ≒JOY #OshinadaMizuki is excited about the SASUKE Idol Qualifying Tournament. #OzawaAmi is also there to support her! #NearJoy [youtube-4NlBiHZ5sPA].ass
20241121 [P1] All the interviews with the participants about their enthusiasm are now available! [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-NN9suLN1rtg].ass
20241121 [Special project launched] Ungirls Tanaka Takuji s love for SASUKE is amazing! Episode 1 He talks about his three favorite scenes [4 episodes in total] [youtube-QPw0S-L3CAU].ass
20241121 ≠ME s #MireiSuganami is excited about the SASUKE Idol Qualifying Tournament. #TamakiHonda also came to support her! #Nogizaka46 #sasuke2024 [youtube-Mv-1MXDAQ0k].ass
20241122 Golden Bomber s #Kenji Tarumisu is jealous of Snow Man s #Hikaru Iwamoto! Special roundtable discussion ahead of the 42nd [Together on the 3rd stage] [#SASUKE2024 broadcast on December 25th at 6pm] [youtube-WvwWHZ5jIMU].ass
20241122 [Gathering at the Hioki family home!] #Kenji Tarumisu & #Hikaru Iwamoto #Masashi Hioki practice at the vertical limit at their home [#Christmas is SASUKE 🎄] #SASUKE2024 [youtube-cN_H7kcsdbQ].ass
20241122 FRUITS ZIPPER #ManakaMana will be competing in the SASUKE Idol Qualifying Tournament! #NakagawaRuka will also be taking part to support Manafi! #Frupper [youtube-Gazm76mV0tM].ass
20241123 [Close-up] This year s SASUKE is the first ever Christmas showdown 🎄 Sneaking into the set of the #SASUKE2024 poster shoot 😀 #KainKosugi #TarumisuKenji #IwamotoHikaru #MorimotoYusuke [youtube-CE6XQTCJ9gA].ass
20241123 The blue sky I wanted to see #RikoIwamoto will be competing in the SASUKE Idol Qualifiers! #HinaYagi will be cheering her on too! #BokuAo [youtube-KTqcKkNt5qM].ass
20241124 #Mooove! #HinanoHimeno takes on the challenge of the SASUKE Idol Qualifiers! #SakiIshihara comes to support her! #SASUKE2024 [youtube-_Kp8P4O8aX0].ass
20241124 [New Area] The full details of the new 1st stage area Screwdriver are revealed! [youtube-JWwr3VOkxGU].ass
20241125 [First time in 2 years] What was HIKAKIN s childhood dream after becoming a father SASUKE2024 broadcast on December 25th [#Christmas is SASUKE] [youtube-LtojVFdi9pQ].ass
20241125 [First time] The fierce battle between idols begins! Who will grab the right to compete in SASUKE [SASUKE Idol Qualifiers #1] [youtube-SRpdGMxozsE].ass
20241125 [P2] Interviews with the participants revealing their enthusiasm! [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-W_7jowGTinM].ass
20241126 [BUDDiiS big gathering] All of #BUDDiiS rushed to Midoriyama to support SASUKE otaku Takuya Otsuki! #sasuke2024 December 25th, 6pm [#Christmas is SASUKE] [youtube-AnjgoBw1pQI].ass
20241126 [Natsumi Tsunoda P1] The world s biggest interview ever! Judo gold medalist receives secrets from Sasuke! [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] #SASUKE2024 [youtube-qaeRGk_HTLE].ass
20241127 Inba Village Hero, Bunpei Shiratori, the sixth man in the All-Stars, returns to Midoriyama for the first time in 10 years! He reveals his p [Resurrection] [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-gp8I8APlqSE].ass
20241127 [Face contest! ] Noda Crystal s Merry Christmas 3-shot! #SASUKE2024 December 25th, 6pm [#ChristmasisSASUKE] #NodaCrystal [youtube-ncRCt7s4DV0].ass
20241127 [Part 3] Interviews with the participants revealing their enthusiasm! [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-4rmn1h14oes].ass
20241127 [Surprise] When we gave BUDDiiS Takuya Otsuki a surprise announcement that he would be competing in SASUKE, the SASUKE talk got too exciting [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-GFY12OAhmjU].ass
20241128 [Episode 2] SASUKE-loving Takuji Tanaka of UNGIRLS and Mr. SASUKE s Katsumi Yamada try to run side-by-side during a camera rehearsal [4 episodes in total] [youtube-W1CZbjEosu8].ass
20241128 [Honest thoughts] Golden Bomber s Kenji Tarumisu looks back on that fierce battle! And behind the scenes he now speaks, he has some regrets... [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-iOJiRUZIRtg].ass
20241128 [Kenji Tarumisu s Birthday Celebration] Merry Christmas to everyone from the four SASUKE brothers 🎄 #Kenji Tarumisu #Masashi Hioki #Wasabi #Hikaru Iwamoto #sasuke2024 [youtube-pZTLBl_xY8Y].ass
20241128 [Part 3] Interviews with the participants revealing their enthusiasm! [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-SJ_db9kwJYQ].ass
20241129 [Hell] The ultimate stamina showdown that attacks idols! [SASUKE Idol Preliminaries #2] [youtube-Vae7RGNaUsQ].ass
20241129 [Part 4] Interviews with the participants revealing their enthusiasm! [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-3hQtNZrytvE].ass
20241129 [Shiratori Bunpei returns after 10 years] #SASUKE All-Stars gather to ask What was your dream for the future as a child #SASUKE2024 December 25th, 6pm [#Christmas is SASUKE] [youtube-HpyvdPb2IE8].ass
20241130 [20 years have passed since then...] Baseball stars are also moved by Mr. SASUKE #T-Okada #KanekoYuji [SASUKE2024 will be broadcast on December 25th at 6pm] [youtube-wT7RbQVfD-Y].ass
20241201 [10kg weight loss] HIKAKIN, who became a father, will compete in SASUKE for the first time in two years [#SASUKE2024 December 25th, 6pm] [youtube-PV2I3sKMU5c].ass
20241201 [Appearing in Christmas cosplay] What would CYBERJAPAN DANCERS 🎅HARUKA want for Christmas #sasuke2024 December 25th, 6pm [#ChristmasisSASUKE 🎄] [youtube-BUkT_ULur3I].ass
20241201 [Part 5] Interviews with the participants revealing their enthusiasm! [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-dhMEP57OA6c].ass
20241202 [Breaking the Limits] Super Fierce Battle of Willpower! The Endless Battle of Hell Idol Preliminaries #03 [youtube-6Hdt4_ZiwzE].ass
20241202 [First appearance in two years] Homemade set craftsman Daisuke Matsuda takes on last chance again [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-PYi5W_i1HQ4].ass
20241202 [Part 6] Interviews with the participants revealing their enthusiasm! [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-SNArg1rGh0w].ass
20241203 [Black Tigers 1st Representative] 16-year-old Nakajima Yuta s dramatic evolution on the road to SASUKE [#SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-ZKx7fTlNHtg].ass
20241203 [Luxury] WEST s Hamada Takahiro fully backs up Rinnei Suda s filming 😀 #SASUKE2024 December 25th, 6pm [#Christmas is SASUKE🎄] [youtube-K-roF5B2Lng].ass
20241203 [SNS Buzzworthy Wrestler] Olympic champion Kenichiro Fumita clears first place with the help of his adorable daughter [#SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-cFnKJ-gN_sE].ass
20241204 [Ban Nakamura] In a desperate situation...! He appears at Midoriyama in a bandage! [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-uc2nbH5VJOY].ass
20241204 [Men s Cheerleading] Cheer Re-Man s has come to Midoriyama! #SASUKE2024 December 25th, 6pm [#Christmas is SASUKE 🎄] [youtube-3LzS_Vws_-M].ass
20241204 [Part 7] Interviews with the participants revealing their enthusiasm! [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-6rSeDPMiyhQ].ass
20241204 [SASUKE Anywhere] A look at Takuya Otsuki of BUDDiiS, a singing and dancing SASUKE geek! Reporting on the members participation [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-eR20iRCvY28].ass
20241205 [Episode 3] 860kg tackle vs. 72kg Tanaka Takuji of Ungirls! Can he push through while Hioki Masashi runs alongside him saying Keep breathing!! [4 episodes in total] [youtube-k0YHV-jdJC8].ass
20241205 [Part 8] Interviews with the participants revealing their enthusiasm! [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-mEJjjmLZxNw].ass
20241205 [Unyielding] Wagakki Band drummer Wasabi Midoriyama is my power spot! To participate in SASUKE for the fourth time [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-aanuC2Qp4vQ].ass
20241206 [AIBO] Because they are the best and strongest two people! It was amazing when they faced off in earnest [youtube-3tEF2WmGPj4].ass
20241206 [Emergency Occurrence] A series of amazing records astonish everyone! An unexpected situation occurs at the end! [SASUKE Idol Qualifying Tournament #4] [youtube-XaWWyqUM84A].ass
20241206 [Morimoto Generation] What was your dream for the future when you were a child Sasuke-kun has this dream after all! #SASUKE2024 December 25th, 6pm [#Christmas is SASUKE 🎄] [youtube-gLuGWzyq7AE].ass
20241207 Inspired by Snow Man s Hikaru Iwamoto s 3rd stage challenge, the goal is to break through the cliff! 7 MEN Samurai s Rinnei Suda [Hellish finger training] [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-iGzZKBVXSUQ].ass
20241207 [Big leap forward in first attempt] FUMA (&TEAM) replays their first SASUKE attempt in 2023! K and YUMA also came to support them! This year s #SASUKE2024 is Christmas 🎄 [youtube-MmNVUwbvbNY].ass
20241208 The 2nd SASUKE Koshien will be broadcast on BS-TBS on December 21st at 9pm! Snow Man s #Iwamoto Hikaru is also moved by the y [The winning school will be given the right to participate in SASUKE!] [youtube--IKvP6sfUZU].ass
20241208 [Friendly duo] Master Ayano Oshima gives her student Ayumu Saito a Spartan education of love! The two train together to clear the first round! [#SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-jVO9DuJRVfA].ass
20241208 [Junsaka] BTS junior! &TEAM s FUMA takes on SASUKE for the second time, aiming to beat his arch rival Dragon Glider with the theme Back and Forth [#SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-_UBjzOWneWc].ass
20241208 [Part 9] Interviews with the participants revealing their enthusiasm! [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-6M5OauVWOWA].ass
20241208 [Permanent Edition] The day Kane Kosugi made his signature face #SASUKE2024 December 25th, 6pm [#Christmas is SASUKE 🎄] [youtube-0qqPZJt_2co].ass
20241209 The three legends, Katsumi Yamada, Shingo Yamamoto, and Yuko Mizuno, hold their first joint practice! They will face their own challenge [Grand gathering] [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-fD5cqNv2vDA].ass
20241209 [Final Battle] SASUKE power put to the test!! The fierce idol qualifying tournament finally reaches its final chapter, Idol qualifying tournament #05 [youtube-ZCaKNl6OiKg].ass
20241209 [P10] Interviews with the participants revealing their enthusiasm! [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-QvMT8_O7aQI].ass
20241209 [What is your dream for the future ] Ayano Oshima & Ayumu Saito [youtube-BQ9ztxG260Y].ass
20241210 [Chabos] Yoshitaka Hara will be competing in SASUKE for the first time! [SASUKE2024 will air on Wednesday, December 25th at 6pm] [youtube-eQkirr4Aj_c].ass
20241210 [First appearance. Reached BURST] The unexpected man who suddenly appeared Ryosuke Miyaoka, an employee of Ehime Bank [youtube-QVLaFwFIBec].ass
20241210 [Natsumi Tsunoda P2] She won t go home until she succeeds! A dramatic climax in a deadly battle with the dragon glider! [#SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-3QoHFG6js7E].ass
20241211 Excited at the unexpected surprise! First visit to the home of Nagasaki Shunyu, who he regards as his master! Close look at BUDDiiS s Otsuki Ta [Happy...] [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-AzwFfRZ-Li8].ass
20241211 [Challenge] MAX REINA wants to inspire women of her generation and is ready to take on SASUKE! [youtube-LrVuO9HHeJY].ass
20241211 [What was your dream when you were little ] We asked #Takahiro Hamada & #Hikaru Iwamoto! #SASUKE2024 December 25th, 6pm [#Christmas is SASUKE🎄] [youtube-cEXrGiYB878].ass
20241212 Matachi Ryo appears to help out! Will they be able to conquer the sloping wall ! Nagano Makoto and Nag [Final episode] [Special project by SASUKE-loving Ungirls Tanaka Takushi, total of 4 episodes] [youtube-wIqpHF8JUXw].ass
20241212 [First time participating in SASUKE] We asked #AokiMacho what he wants to do for Christmas [#SASUKE2024 broadcast on Wednesday, December 25th at 6pm] [youtube-zXKGpBD1Diw].ass
20241212 [P11] All the interviews with the participants about their enthusiasm are now available! [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-zu1PrZfA8KE].ass
20241212 [Super authentic!] Wall lifting explodes at Uchimiya Park, Japan s most realistic park! SASUKE set craftsman Uchimiya Shuzo [#SASUKE2024 broadcast on Wednesday, December 25th at 6pm] [youtube-JZGDfKZ0qr4].ass
20241213 [Birthday] A permanent keepsake! The release of the legendary acrylic stand that Yusuke Morimoto has been waiting for has been decided! [youtube-z0T4UUKMIfs].ass
20241213 [Black Tigers Gather] What was #Yamada Katsumi s childhood dream #sasuke2024 December 25th, 6pm [#Christmas is SASUKE🎄] [youtube-OL09HTzWzi8].ass
20241213 [Complete conclusion] Fierce climax! Who will win the right to compete in SASUKE [SASUKE Idol Qualifiers #6] [youtube-eGWnAV1vTCk].ass
20241213 [P12] Interviews with the participants revealing their enthusiasm! [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-aGbUxASttWI].ass
20241214 [Complete Record] Inba Village s hero, Shiratori Bunpei, is back! We ll show you all of his past tournaments! [youtube-nmcgXRkhxbE].ass
20241214 [Good luck] #Rinne Suda will make it to the 3rd stage this year! #sasuke2024 [youtube-ci1g1ifF5-Y].ass
20241215 [First ever Christmas showdown] SASUKE2024 42nd tournament will be broadcast on Wednesday, December 25th at 6pm [youtube-jx-HUj584AE].ass
20241215 [Over 1,600 people in attendance] The 7th SASUKE Kids Academy will be held in Lake Sagami MORIMORI [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-qgbsQCUIHKo].ass
20241215 [Yes~👍] Yasuko s first time participating! Amazed by the atmosphere of Midoriyama⁉ #SAUSKE2024 [youtube-cu0SZX6Q-Xs].ass
20241216 [10th SASUKE] Snow Man s Hikaru Iwamoto advances to 3rd place on his own... Will he greet Cliff at this milestone tournament [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-tAdCPBTOg_0].ass
20241216 [Fighting Spirit Award] A Fighting Spirit Award winner was suddenly selected from the Idol Qualifiers! Who will compete in SASUKE [SASUKE Idol Qualifiers #7] [youtube-Q8dqVhggnv0].ass
20241216 [P13] Interviews with the participants revealing their enthusiasm! [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-QHoyGbRM1Gw].ass
20241216 [Pre-release] The 2nd SASUKE Koshien Opening Ceremony is now available for viewing🌟 [Broadcast on BS-TBS at 9pm on the 21st (Sat)] [youtube-4hA5rl7T7e0].ass
20241216 [SHOW-WA] A 6-member Showa era pop group produced by Yasushi Akimoto. The whole group will be at Midoriyama! #SASUKE2024 December 25th at 6pm [#Christmas is SASUKE] [youtube-VCMBLG4D5pA].ass
20241217 A strong opponent appears for Olympic champion Kenichiro Fumita! He practices hard at Uchimiya Park to clear the first stage [Getting hooked on SASUKE! ] [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-X41WVsPwCP8].ass
20241217 [I will never fall] Kane Kosugi, the undefeated man in the first stage, takes on SASUKE at age 50 despite being completely injured [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm [youtube-0N0bBKzJGTE].ass
20241217 [P14] All the interviews with the participants about their enthusiasm are now available! [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-4uNTzvCNqeI].ass
20241217 [Participating Schools Introduction①] SASUKE Koshien 2024 Aichi Institute of Technology Meiden High School & Aoyama Gakuin High School Edition [Broadcast on BS-TBS at 9pm on Saturday, 21st] [youtube-kS6wh7xKkAA].ass
20241217 [This year, we won t let you call it tourism!] WEST. #Takahiro Hamada s second SASUKE! [ #Christmas is SASUKE] [youtube-TWSAvjkfRHM].ass
20241218 All members of BUDDiiS gather! Singing and dancing SASUKE geek Takuya Otsuki spends time with his master Shunyu Nagasaki right before the show [Enjoy] [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-4LCiGx1mXCI].ass
20241218 [Great Success] Idols and Muscle Actors Make a Sudden Appearance! Winter SASUKE 2024! [SASUKE 2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-i6njX-4wuYg].ass
20241218 [Participating Schools Introduction 2] SASUKE Koshien 2024 Kisarazu Sogo High School & Kodaira Nishi Edition [Broadcast on BS-TBS at 9pm on Saturday, 21st] [youtube-N7_ptK8WaNY].ass
20241218 [World Cup members attack] Daniel Gill, Irian Sherif and Olivia Vivian take on the #SASUKE2024 challenge [youtube-YwfkbQE15QI].ass
20241219 [An unexpected happening💦] BreakingDown #BanNakamura came to Midoriyama‼ #SASUKE2024 December 25th, 6pm【#ChristmasisSASUKE🎄】 [youtube-cMQrNa9_isc].ass
20241219 [Participating Schools Introduction ③] SASUKE Koshien 2024 Saitama Sakae High School & Seisa High School [Broadcast on BS-TBS at 9pm on Saturday, 21st] [youtube-yErfPmod20E].ass
20241219 [The origin] Morimoto generation trains for SASUKE in a park closely related to parkour athlete Sato Jun! [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-BsZzqT0tluU].ass
20241219 [The Origin] Morimoto s generation trains for SASUKE at a park closely associated with parkour master Sato Jun! [youtube-m0uTPJAGm4g].ass
20241219 [WEST. Hamada Takahiro] Last year, I had so much fun that the time ran out! This time, I m going to throw away the tourist mood and seriously aim to clear the first stage! [youtube-AySGRMLBaTg].ass
20241220 [Great potential] Ito and Iwamoto, who won the Idol Qualifying Tournament, have begun training! Tarumisu Kenji also shows amazing talent Idol Qualifying Tournament #08 [youtube-Fic1q1xWiuM].ass
20241220 [Participating Schools Introduction ④] SASUKE Koshien 2024 Zeze High School & Natori High School [Broadcast on BS-TBS at 9pm on Saturday, 21st] [youtube-kjCyyB367Lk].ass
20241220 [SASUKE x Lawson] Collaborative bread goes on sale today! High-protein bran bread SASUKE players also participated in product development! [youtube-HStD736-Qio].ass
20241220 SASUKE s first ever Christmas showdown ~At that time, Yamada-san~ Christmas at home edition [youtube-cvcOtT1s9wI].ass
20241220 TT Brothers (#ChocolatePla) will be participating in SASUKE! Let s enjoy T! [#SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-sO4kM1QpQz4].ass
20241221 [100 shots in a row] SASUKE for Christmas! SASUKE for Christmas! SASUKE for Christmas! [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-bMotRJbjuh4].ass
20241221 [Body transformation] 46-year-old Sasuke Sensei s unconventional body transformation plan [youtube-cmhbCDVnB1I].ass
20241221 [P15] Interviews with the participants revealing their enthusiasm! [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-b5bXzHM8myI].ass
20241221 [P16] All the interviews with the participants about their enthusiasm are now available! [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-3_hBU8DGxNA].ass
20241221 [SASUKE Swamp] A man who became addicted to SASUKE within the first 10 minutes. Comedian Aoki Macho, whose arms are too thick, takes on the challenge for the first time. [youtube-TEfevHdwN-Y].ass
20241221 Christmas is SASUKE🎄 [youtube-HLeDc9oP42s].ass
20241222 Makoto Nagano and his eldest son, Kamiyaou, will clear the first stage together as father and son. At 52 and 15 years old, will these t [First in history] [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-ZDxa1qbZM9I].ass
20241222 [Kitagawa Electric Store Manager] Interview with 43-year-old Masashi Hioki, who is experiencing his fourth emergency just before SASUKE [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-IRZCO9qHyuI].ass
20241222 [P17] Interviews with the participants revealing their enthusiasm! [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-tfCNaFFzOfU].ass
20241222 [Revenge] Two-time finalist Tada challenges complete domination with new family [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-c9lfTLBxAsY].ass
20241222 [SASUKE Idol Qualifying Tournament Fighting Spirit Award] #TheBlueSkyIWanted toSee #RikoIwamoto will draw the question box... [youtube-Y5TirpGRI1M].ass
20241223 Finalist Hitoshi Kanno s son is eagerly waiting for the moment he clears the first stage for the first time in nine years! [Will he make a comeback ] [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-63hcXpndB04].ass
20241223 Finalist Hitoshi Kanno s son is eagerly waiting for the moment he clears the first stage for the first time in nine years! [Will he make a comeback ] [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-jWnipZw8XXo].ass
20241223 [ALTIOR President] Tomohiro Kawaguchi, 43, takes on SASUKE with all his heart and soul for his father [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-MNzkXuCUJos].ass
20241223 [Overall winner] #SASUKE Idol qualifying tournament finals confirmed! #SKE48 #MikiIto [youtube-fXyZr4FhJMQ].ass
20241223 [P18] Interviews with the participants revealing their enthusiasm! [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-g3K6bBTnEfk].ass
20241223 [Partners] There are goals that we want to achieve because we are two people [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-A8N0u2t3XYs].ass
20241223 SASUKE s first ever Christmas showdown ~At that time, Yamada-san~ Push-ups edition [youtube-ZdYPSC_NK24].ass
20241223 SASUKE s first ever Christmas showdown ~At that time, Yamada-san~ Push-ups, front view (6 second version) [youtube-YDw0YnB889M].ass
20241223 SASUKE s first ever Christmas showdown ~At that time, Yamada-san~ Push-ups, frontal version [youtube-PvltgvmhUrg].ass
20241223 The 42nd SASUKE tournament, the first-ever Christmas showdown, will take place on Wednesday, December 25th at 6pm! [youtube-ozEqrUpkwWM].ass
20241224 The evolved Olympic queen faces arch enemy Fishbone... Part 3 of a close-up look at Natsumi Kakuta - Close-up on the day - [The arch enemy returns] [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-2MuDgTdHv3w].ass
20241224 The phoenix legend of Shingo Yamamoto, the only man to have won every tournament, continues! Will he be able to get through th [A 50-year-old s challenge] [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-DPXvYun2LQA].ass
20241224 [Haruta Shoes Sales] Yuji Urushibara, 46 years old, continues to reach his peak as the strongest man in his 40s [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-nsRT_ObA3aM].ass
20241224 [P19] All the interviews with the participants about their enthusiasm are now available! [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-LVpFlt9g0rs].ass
20241224 [P20] Interviews with the participants revealing their enthusiasm! [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-_w5t7leE_Fk].ass
20241224 [Sasuke s complete victory] Champion Yusuke Morimoto s decisive moment the path to breaking through the Vertical Limit.BURST [SASUKE2024 December 25th (Wednesday) 6pm] [youtube-BxkiBspgbFI].ass
20241224 Merry Christmas🎄Tomorrow is #SASUKE2024 #HikaruIwamoto s long-awaited 3rd stage [youtube-F3gU-X67LRw].ass
20241224 SASUKE s first ever Christmas showdown ~At that time, Yamada-san~ [youtube-qg0NnWcEy2s].ass
20241225 [Fascinating SASUKE] Sato Jun s amazing moves in the 1st stage # SASUKE2024 [youtube-Hc-_gf5SMCU].ass
20241225 [Fastest in this tournament] #Kajiwara Hayate followed by drone #SASUKE2024 [youtube-qCFeulIbksQ].ass
20241225 [First human success] The moment a monster banker conquers .BURST is captured on camera #SASUKE2024 [youtube-Lh3OKc1vq6Y].ass
20241225 [God s Left Hand] Complete Conqueror of the American Version of SASUKE #Daniel Gill Swing Edge #sasuke2024 [youtube-CIZaUQ0J_2s].ass
20241225 [LIVE] SASUKE 42nd Tournament Broadcast Immediately After After Talk SP [SASUKE Legends] [youtube-53Tf9tIH6XM].ass
20241225 [LIVE] SASUKE 42nd Tournament First-ever Christmas Showdown Live Talk Special Pre-Broadcast [Yamada Katsumi Urushibara Yuji Kawaguchi Tomohiro Hiki Masashi] [youtube-Ljdsreig558].ass
20241225 [Very impressive] The youngest person to clear the 2nd place - genius high school student #YutaNakajima s challenge #sasuke2024 [youtube-kKhE0zIaayE].ass
20241225 We followed super high school student #Nakajima Yuta with a drone [#SASUKE2024] [youtube-fo1lUMQrXzo].ass
20241226 [Fascinating SASUKE embodiment] Parkour #Atsushi Sato shows off a series of amazing tricks at the 42nd tournament #SASUKE2024 [youtube-aGodMiuWF64].ass
20241226 [Huge response] Monster banker Ryojo Miyaoka s state after the FINAL challenge at Midoriyama [Lots of unreleased footage] #SASUKE2024 [youtube-kSk-sAnEUr4].ass
20241226 For all of you missing SASUKE! Next up is KUNOICHI 2025! [Broadcast on Monday, January 13th (National Holiday) at 6 30pm] [youtube-XZpngTEMAB8].ass
20241227 [Exclusive revelation] Sasuke-kun is getting married! ️ We asked the happy Yusuke Morimoto a question and answer session ♡ #SASUKE2024 [youtube-XNaFtjPTW7E].ass
20241227 [Greatly moving] Former finalist #Kanno Hitoshi clears the first stage for the first time in nine years, bringing Midoriyama Junior High to tears! [ #SASUKE2024 ] [youtube-E7-6fkIjO8Q].ass
20241228 [Awakening] #Naoyuki Araki s roar! Inspiring his teammates with his demonic expression #sasuke2024 [youtube-R-b2HIm4PIw].ass
20241228 [Uncut] Yusuke Morimoto s monologue after the 3rd stage challenge in full version [3rd complete version] #sasuke2024 [youtube-5H0LCoErhlM].ass
20241229 [Road to the Los Angeles Olympics Part 6] Black Tigers ace #Yoshiyuki Yamamoto starts fencing [Purchasing expensive equipment] [youtube-fw2vnCubqxI].ass
20241229 [Who on earth is he ] The mysterious hero Boltman has arrived at Midoriyama #sasuke2024 [youtube-Q4BYjFc5DlU].ass
20241230 [Full version] Behind the scenes of the two who won the idol qualifying round [youtube-GE8RozO7WHs].ass
20241230 [Twin Diamond🔶🔶] The theory that #NaganoKaiou, who inherited the strongest DNA, has the same strategy for defeating Twin Diamond as #NaganoMakoto [SASUKE2024] [youtube-rivTwD-J56Y].ass
20241231 - 【あけおめ】2025年もSASUKEをよろしくお願いしまーす!!! [youtube-IbvoxgGvcEM].ass
20241231 - 【祝】人類初攻略 バーティカルリミット.BURST 陥落の瞬間をマルチアングルで☆新ファイナリスト誕生の瞬間 #SASUKE2024 #宮岡良丞 [youtube-SCkrEV-Cmtc].ass
20241231 - 💪 【無敗伝説継続中】サスケくん #森本裕介 はクリフで失敗したことがない【SASUKE2024 】 [youtube-BRkqjXxIK74].ass